
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Feb 12, 2013
Hey everyone, I was recently doing some research on chinchillas just to make sure my little Gwen (yea I know she's a boy but I already named her and it stuck) was ok and came upon some pretty nasty chin infections and ailments. It had me a little worried, now I'm not trying to be crazy but does it look like my little one has bumblefoot, I included some pictures, let me know what you think!


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Do the feet just have calluses on them? I can't see the picture you might want to contact an administrator to see if there is an issue with the picture.
What's the best way to go about contacting an administrator? I click the contact us link and sent and email but it looks like nothing has been done, so what's the best way to do this?
Sorry I am just now seeing this! I think I've fixed it. I could see the picture and didn't realize no one else could.

adrienneh, in the future, if you need to bring something to the attention of the Administration, click on the little triangular shape in the upper right hand corner of the post you want the attention to be brought to. It is a reporting system to bring the forum staff's attention to something. You click on it and a box pops up. Leave a note in the box explaining why you are reporting the message, and we'll look into it.
I do see some calluses. I also see some dark red areas and some yellow crusties that aren't normal and concern me. I would have it checked by a vet just to be safe.
Is this an older chin? Was he in a cage that had some dirty shavings in the bottom for awhile? His feet look pretty dirty, I can't tell what is going on with his paw pads. They look sort of flattened out like he could be an old chin, sometimes that happens. Could you take a picture of the side of his foot? Does anything ooze out of his paw pad if you squeeze on it?
You know I got "her" at a pet store and the more I look back at it the less they knew. They told me she was relatively young but no they aren't open wounds, just discolored. I've been wiping the bottom of her feet with baby wipes and putting bag balm on them twiece a day and the yellow is gone. I clean her cage weekly and the only way she could be sitting in wood chips would be if she would sit in her litter pan, which I've really never seen her do.