Hello. I have had my chinchilla, Charlie, for almost a year. Unfortunately I am not sure how old he is. Anyways, I have always noticed his back feet to be very very dry. Recently I was cleaning his cage and noticed blood on his sleep house and on his ledge. I checked him over and noticed dry blood on his feet. My bf went and bought some bag balm today and we placed it on his feet.
Im not sure if it is bumblefoot, but I am very very worried. Please let me know. Thank you so much.
I'm not sure if it is bumble foot I have never actually had to treat that, but if you have a knowledgeable chin vet I'm sure they could tell. I'm not entirely sure but I think that with bumble foot sometimes an antibiotic is needed.
Bumble foot is essentially an infection...
His 'heals' appear to be cracked, it is not bubble foot but you need to keep an eye on it so that it doesn't develop infection and turn into bumble foot.
What sort of floring does he have?