Brown velvets

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
I've been looking at chin colors just for some fun to pass the time and I thought the spots on the ears of brown velvets was just too cute. I've seen pictures that say it's a brown velvet chinchilla and it doesn't have spots on its ears. Is this really a brown velvet? Is there another mutation that causes the spots on the ears? Also I see some that have red eyes and some that have black. Are there different types of brown velvets or are these just random traits that some brown velvets have and some do not? Just curious :)
The brown velvet has both beige and TOV genes. Certain lines of beige chins have freckles and since the color brown velvet is a combination of TOV and beige, brown velvets may also have ear freckles due to the beige gene's influence.
Thanks for the information.:dance3: That's a pretty cool chinchilla punnet square site too.
Some beige have freckles-some don't. A brown velvet is a combination of the beige gene and the blk velvet gene. So some will some won't. It also depends on age. The older an animal gets-the more and larger freckles they will get. I personally do not like freckles so I look for animals that do not have them.

All beiges have ruby/pink eyes depending if they are **** or hetero. What you are seeing was probably poor lighting. TOV beige or brown velvet would have the ruby eye color.

Thanks for the eye color information. My mom has a problem with the red eyes, but I don't so she may just have to deal with it in the future :p
Wow really? I do see a lot of red in Beakers eyes when I take pictures but I figured that was red eye. I'll just use that against my mom hehe :neener:
Brown velvets are my favorite color. When I started looking for my first chin I really wanted a brown velvet, but I decided against it because of their red eyes in pictures I saw. I got a little white eb girl, when I went to pick her up, her dam was a brown velvet and once I saw one in person I wanted one. A few months later my girls mom went up for sale so I bought her.
Funny there should be a thread on brown velvet chins b/c I just adopted one from the SPCA over on the mainland yesterday. He was dropped off about four weeks ago by someone and yesterday he took a float plane ride over to Vancouver Island and then took a two hour drive up island to where I live. He does not have ear freckles yet, but I think he is a young chin still. His name is Carlos and he's just the sweetest thing even if he did bark at me and wake me up in the middle of the night. =)

