My honey bear hamster died 2 days ago. His name was ***** and he was about 2 1/2 years when he died. I had always wanted a hammy when I was a kid and my parents wouldn't let me have one, so I was excited to get one for my boys when they were the right age. Of course I bonded to him more than anyone one else, since I'm the animal nut!
I set out yesterday to get another hammy, but got two gerbils instead. The petstores only sell syrian hamsters that can't have cagemates and I wanted 2 animals to house together. I never realized how fun gerbils are. They are sooooo cute and they romp around and wrestle. Today they have been gathering bedding and hay to put into their house. They are incredibly messy, but I'm used to chin mess and parakeets' messes, so what's one more mess! They are 2 boys from the same litter and are very friendly. Of course, I'm going to have to spoil them like crazy. I'm so sorry my hammy died, but these 2 little guys are going to be so much fun!
I set out yesterday to get another hammy, but got two gerbils instead. The petstores only sell syrian hamsters that can't have cagemates and I wanted 2 animals to house together. I never realized how fun gerbils are. They are sooooo cute and they romp around and wrestle. Today they have been gathering bedding and hay to put into their house. They are incredibly messy, but I'm used to chin mess and parakeets' messes, so what's one more mess! They are 2 boys from the same litter and are very friendly. Of course, I'm going to have to spoil them like crazy. I'm so sorry my hammy died, but these 2 little guys are going to be so much fun!