Broken finger?

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My male chinchilla is very active and some of the stunts he pulls in his cage has worried me. Well tonight he climbed the cage walls (don't ask me how he did it) and reached the top of the cage. He must have got one of his fingers stuck because I heard a cry of pain and looked up to see him hanging from his one finger from the top of the cage! I got to him as fast as I could, but he was still squirming there for a few seconds.

It doesn't seem to be bothering him TOO much. He's still using his exercise spinner (although only for short bursts as I think his hand is bothering him) and he's eating well. He's been holding his hand up like a dog would if it injured a leg. I took a closer look and the one finger has some fur missing and appears slightly red and swollen when compared with the other hand.

He's 4 and a half months old and weighs a little less than a pound.

How easily do chinchillas break their fingers? Should I watch for a few days and see how he's feeling then? Should I get it checked out?
They can break them pretty easily. There's not much that you can do to fix them, it's better to just leave the finger alone and let it heal. If the swelling goes down and he gets to be back to normal, the vet can't do anything. The only thing to worry about is if there's a wound and it gets infected...other than that being treated with antibiotics, the vet can't do much of anything to help.

Poor little guy. It is amazing how chins find ways to get hurt. He could have sprained his front leg. The vet can't do much about that either.

I wouldn't worry too much...just watch his behavior for changes, I suppose. He should be alright. I hope he isn't hurting.
Thanks for the info. I think I might be overstressing a little. I gave him a treat and watched closely and his grip seems to be good. I think it might have just been rubbed raw and maybe a tiny bit bloodied. I don't think it's a leg injury because he's almost as active and just as curious as he was before he hurt his paw.

I hope he takes it easy tonight while I'm sleeping. I'll keep an eye on him for the next few days and see if he gets better.
Often it is best to just leave the injury alone. By messing with the chinchilla you are adding stress and may be causing problems that were not there. I have several that have lost fingers in fights. they get by fine. As long as there is no infection he will heal fine
Thanks, he seems to be as energetic now as he always is. The finger is still red and swollen and he still favours it, but he's doing alright. I modified the cage so even if he gets adventurous again he can't hurt himself.