Bringing Hedgies Out In Public

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Does anyone bring their hedgie with them to pet stores and the like? If so, do you go first thing in the morning or in the early evening? I would think mid-afternoon wouldn't be the best time due to their nocturnal behavior. I'd like to take Fulci to the local pet store, as well as a beautiful nature preserve for some photos
I tend to not take mine out of the house unless needed. One reason is I don't like to break a hedgehogs normal routine or stress him by taking them into strange places.

However, when I attend hedgehog shows I often will have a hedgehog with me in the late afternoon/evening portion of the show. But it entirely depends on the hedgehog. I have 1 currently that I would expose to lots of people. She's a social butterfly and actually likes to sit and watch the activity around her. My other 2, I wouldn't take them out into public. One is very social, but she dislikes light and new things. When she feels exposed she immediately wants to hide (often runs for my lap if I'm sitting next to her). The other is very defensive and I wouldn't stress him that way.
Fulci seems really curious about new places. Even new rooms in the house. He get defensive with new smells coming close to him, but when given the chance to just sniff around on his own, he is quite curious and pretty calm. He is not content to sit and watch, he must explore. Its a battle just to hold the bugger! He instantly goes to my shoulders and into my hair and I am so afraid he'll slip off my shoulder so I am constantly pulling him back to my chest. lol
I take my hogs out sometimes, depending on their own personality. I used to take Hemi everywhere with me because nothing bothered her. She loved being around people and would not get nervous, as long as I was nearby.

With the quads now, I'm pretty careful about where I take them. I took Kismet to work with me last week for a visit (people have been asking about her since her jaw surgery), and she didn't handle it too gracefully. She doesn't do travel too well. Vette is terrified of people and I don't trust Cuda's biting habits. Chance might be okay, but he might not be... given his history.

It all depends on the hedgehog's individual comfort level. Keep the visits short and he might be okay. If he starts getting really scared, remove him from the situation immediately. Be alert to what his body language is telling you.
I take Winston into work when he has a vet appt., or when I was having the basement mudded and taped. I let him run around the hallways when I first get there, and I hold him when the students are around. He's pretty good with other people as long as I've started holding him, so I let the kids pet his back. Once period 1 starts, I ahve a small cage with a food and water dish, though he never uses that, and lots of fleece for him to hid under, and he just sleeps the day away. My classroom is usually empty, as I'm in the gym, and I find that he's ok with everything cos it's pretty close to when he normally goes to sleep. When I take him home, he's much crankier, probably cos he was in a good sleep at the time. I don't let kids hold him though. Just me. It's been really good for the kids to see a new pet, as we've got a lot of staff who bring their dogs on a daily basis

I suppose it all depends on the hedgie.
My little Carmen would simply prefer to stay home, napping on my lap while I study or watch a cartoon.

She has been out in public about mid-afternoon, but didn't like it.
She really only likes five people right now.
Me, Dad, one of my friends, and two of my younger cousins.
Otherwise, she spikes up a bit from nervousness.