I take Winston into work when he has a vet appt., or when I was having the basement mudded and taped. I let him run around the hallways when I first get there, and I hold him when the students are around. He's pretty good with other people as long as I've started holding him, so I let the kids pet his back. Once period 1 starts, I ahve a small cage with a food and water dish, though he never uses that, and lots of fleece for him to hid under, and he just sleeps the day away. My classroom is usually empty, as I'm in the gym, and I find that he's ok with everything cos it's pretty close to when he normally goes to sleep. When I take him home, he's much crankier, probably cos he was in a good sleep at the time. I don't let kids hold him though. Just me. It's been really good for the kids to see a new pet, as we've got a lot of staff who bring their dogs on a daily basis