When it rains it pours. The power went out today and the temperature in the apartment got up into the 80's. We were moving the chins into their carriers to take them to a place whith AC and while trying to secure Lady she jumped on Lily's carrier and Lily chomped three of her toes through the bars. Lady was bleeding pretty bad so I did my best to apply some pressure. We got all the chins to a place with AC and then tried to look at Lady's toes. It looks like the tip of one of them will probably come off as it is hanging by a thread, the other two are ok, just bitten up. Anyways my boyfriend held Lady and shielded her face while I sprayed some blue kote on. After awhile she was still bleeding heavily so we brought her into the vet. He got the bleeding to stop and gave us some baytril and metacam with orders to keep her in a small cage until the toes clot and start to scab. She's been resting for two hours, but has started to wheeze a bit. It's not constant but she does it once every few minutes.
I don't know if this was caused by the blue kote, heat, or something all together different? Since it's just a tiny wheeze and she's already on baytril I don't know if it's appropriate to go running back to the vet? Any thoughts?
I don't know if this was caused by the blue kote, heat, or something all together different? Since it's just a tiny wheeze and she's already on baytril I don't know if it's appropriate to go running back to the vet? Any thoughts?