"Boring chin shows"

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Tonight I was combing some of my chins to get some photos and my daughter Andi came down and saw me combing, she sat down and watched and asked if she could help. I told her when I was done with this one she could comb Scudo. She was quietly watching me and then see said out of nowhere... "Chin shows are boring. Why are they so boring?"

I laughed and asked how they could be less boring, and she said, "I don't know, but I'm sure you could do SOMETHING to fun them up!"

I'm glad she has so much faith in me that even I could "fun up" a chin show! :hmm: Maybe popcorn? :popcorn:

So apparently the younger crowd says... we need to fun the shows up!
I still love the one where they put a fake rat in a show cage at last year's Atlantic Chapter Show. Thought that was pretty funny... How old is Andi???

HUMMMM... if we could have an event incorporated somehow for young people to participate somehow... Maybe a Jr. show/competition or something along those lines....
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I'd like to see someone put on a chinchilla agility course.

I kid you not, I have someone here who trained their chinchilla to one. Doughboy was never that ambitious but he did know several tricks.

Would definitely be entertaining!
When you're their age, sitting quietly all day in a cold room in semi-darkness IS boring!!! The Colorado shows have always had a little room outside the show rooms for the kids to play and be on their cell phone/video games.

Maybe you get there early, check out all the chins and have a little contest between you and your kids like we sometimes do at Western Colorado's field day -- pick the GS and GSR Standard and Mutation BEFORE the judging begins!!! Or, let them pick out their 2 or 3 favorite ones to pay attention to the judging during those classes to see what the judge has to say about their choice.

I don't have kids, but I think a little fun might help pass the time more easily...
I mostly sell pets but I always let my new "buyers" know about a show. Several have come to enter their new chin. It helps to have an interest in the outcome. They don't have to stay for the whole show, if they've entered a darker animal I give them an approximate time to come back and hear their animal being judged. A ribbon is really neat to bring home.

My animal handlers are also kids, from my Sunday School classes, and the four of them last time wanted so bad to take one home with them, none of them have chins. Several are working towards getting their cages and buying their own animals. It's a lot different when you have some at home and can play with them when you want to. :)
As a non-breeder I have a lot of fun at the shows. Although I do have a hard time sitting through the seemingly never ending standard classes. ;-)
Just sit between Annie and Meanie at a show. It's a good time. It also helps to ask questions. The last show I went to, I asked a lot of questions. The judges were great. They let me come up to the table and get a closer look at the chins. Explained why they made the decisions they made. Tab and Sumiko were there to answer my crazy questions too

It helps to know people who are going. Plus, that was also the first time I held my little Button. :D
One thing that would be nice, especially if you can't get a front row seat, is to have a video camera zoomed in on the animal being judge and have the video camera hooked up to a portable movie screen (maybe 4' x 4'). That way everyone would be able to really see and learn about each animal being judged. To pass the time I have fun helping to put the birthdates on each show card and going back and forth bringing up the animals for the judge to classify before the show starts. I think the raffles help pass the time and "fun up" the show, but I prefer to pick on Juanita when I get antsy. Now that I think about I like to pick on Juanita no matter what the situation.
Andi is 9, so something her age group would possibly be picking a favorite chin, most crazy marked chin etc. She likes to to the Colorado show to play with other younger chin friends and of course go see the mountains while we're there!
Hey I got it and I think you are onto something there Riven...maybe have something like a "Pick your Pony" contest to see which child can pick out the chin who will do the best...Give a prize to whoever wins like a gift card or something... If in the event there is a tie I am sure the judge could easily pick a winner. This way the kids can have a vested interest while also learning how to identify good chin characteristics... That is something kids her age group and others can do as well. Mine is 4 and I think he could even get into something like that. I might even be so bold as to attempt to bring him to a show if something like that was happening so that he could get involved. If he was "Picking his Pony" and not bouncing off the walls it might actually turn out to be a good experience... I was always leary of bringing him because I didn't want him to disrupt the show.
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Missed the edit but wanted to add...

Just throwing this out there but if those of you who are organizing the Atlantic Chapter show this year would like to try something like this I would be happy to donate a $25 Target or Toys R Us gift card as a prize.... I think it would be fun! I'd also be happy to help make it happen just let me know!
My husband always found chins shows to be 'boring' He brings his laptop and several magazines to keep himself busy. Seems to me that kids could be 'creative' and bring electronic devices (non-noisy ones) and books (heaven forbid)
Meh, I say shows are for chin lovers. If you love chins, you'll love the shows. If you don't, you won't. I don't feel it's the responsibility of the show coordinaters to entertain the masses. If the show isn't entertaining enough, stay home.

Sorry if this comes off cold, it's not meant to. I have children, they stay home intentionally ;) I don't want my children disrupting showtime. IF at some point they become serious about chinchillas I'll allow them to attend one as long as there are clear boundaries set beforehand.

That all said, to the original intent of this thread ;) kids are funny! Let them be kids, to an appropriate extent!
Meh, I say shows are for chin lovers. If you love chins, you'll love the shows. If you don't, you won't. I don't feel it's the responsibility of the show coordinaters to entertain the masses. If the show isn't entertaining enough, stay home.

Sorry if this comes off cold, it's not meant to. I have children, they stay home intentionally ;) I don't want my children disrupting showtime. IF at some point they become serious about chinchillas I'll allow them to attend one as long as there are clear boundaries set beforehand.

That all said, to the original intent of this thread ;) kids are funny! Let them be kids, to an appropriate extent!