Bonding babies to adults

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Well-known member
May 18, 2010
Bensalem, PA
So initially I was looking for two female chins that were already bonded to then eventually bond to my 3 year old girl. I also liked the idea of helping two adult chins as I know they can be harder to find homes for. I know that bonding adults takes a LONG time and a lot of patience.

After talking to a breeder who had two bonded females she suggested bonding babies to my girl as the process is MUCH easier and quicker.

I am sure you still have to take similar steps as bonding adults, but just out of curiousity what is the max age that a kit and adult bond easily and what processes have worked for you?

With this new information I am starting to lean towards an ebony and mosaic now. Obviously females, I have no desire to breed, they will be pets only. I am willing to drive up to about 3 or so hours to get them. So if you have advice on this and happen to have two female kits or know of a good breeder with two female kits that would be fantastic.

Thanks for the continued information!

There really isn't a set age when it comes to introducing chins. You can easily bond two adult females together, and end up with a kit and an adult female that down right hate each other. It all depends on the chins personalities.

I recently sold a kit that was 3 months old and she was placed with an adult female, after a few days of introductions they got along great :)

When introducing two chins, I find the best method is to clean the cage they'll be housed in, place some hiding spots, dust baths, and a ton of hay and just put them together and let them go. There may be chasing, some fur pulling, but as a general rule if there is no blood they will be ok.

I think the introductions are less stressful, and go faster doing that then spreading it out for days at a time and separating them as soon as they start to chase like some people do.
I know this is silly but I am pretty set on three girls in the girl has caused me to be pretty addicted to wanting more and three should keep me satisfied until I have a house, haha. Could you use the same introduction process? I would imagine it would be easiest first to introduce the two kits and then introduce them to her.

If they are adults, my max age was around 6, I really don't think I can handle heartbreak for a very long time.

I am only steering away from the pink ear/eye chins and standards (as my girl is a standard and I wouldn't want to confuse them). That is why I am leaning towards ebony and mosaic and ebony even moreso as I love the darker looking chins...they look so regal.

Thanks so far for the suggestions :) I'm pretty psyched about the additions to my family, but am definitely patient for the right girls.
If you get the kits from the same breeder, depending on the breeder they shouldn't have a problem introducing them for you, and once you get them home do the quarantine etc I'd still introduce them the same way. It isn't going to matter. Just make sure you have enough places that everyone can escape and hide away from the others, and the hay and dust bath tends to keep them occupied :) Especially if you haven't dusted in a while.