Bonded Males and Female

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Feb 24, 2013
Hey all,
I'm not new to the Chin-scene but new to this site. I have a question about behavior. I have two bonded males, Argus and Apollo.They are paternal brothers who grew up their entire life together and are around 6 years old. My girlfriend just got a new chin named Athena, she is 6 months old. She will be going away on spring break and Athena will be moving to my house for the week. If I put her near my boys will it cause them to fight or kill each other?

We have heard that that is what happens and we certainly do not want any of them to get hurt, but I see that many of you all have them mixed about.
Many people have males and females in the same room without problems, but there are some chins that will fight if a female is in the same room.
Some chins will and some chins won't. Its a risk you have to be willing to take. Is it possible to keep her in a seporate room since its onlt temporary?
Yes I can keep her in another room, it would just be easier to have them all together.