Boing's first real check up; what to ask/check

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Wheel Cleaner X2
Jan 29, 2009
Laval, Canada
To those who don't know, I'm babysitting Boing and I also have the task to bring it to the vet at the same time as Litchi (yay for ceramic tiles and hot-shots). Boing never has a real check up. We brought it first to a clinic we where recomended, but the vet was on vacation so it was someone else. This vet didn't do much of a check up than shave him and took a sample for fungus.

So I want to know what should I ask. Shoul I take x-ray of his mouth. He's not droling or anything, but he chew less hay and toys. Since he's a petstore chin, malo can be an issue. He's also a bit slugish lately even with the a/c keeping him cool. Could that be the stress of moving a lot/changin cage. I'm gonna bring that up to the vet but I want to be sure I do it right this time. Last time I was coming back home saying "****, she didn't check him at all!"
Karine, the only real way you will be able to tell if there is a malo issue is to take x-rays. Boing could be stressed out and therefore tired because the changes in location and new cage, but it's hard to tell. For your peace of mind you might want to have xrays taken to rule any teeth problems out.
There are a lot of different things that could cause him to be a little lethargic. X-rays could show any bloat or blockages, too. Perhaps a blood test to check for infection, also?

How is his poo and pee, Karine? And how's he eating and drinking?
He's pooing, eating and drinking as usual. I only noticed a little decrease on hay and less interest un chew toys. He doesn't seems to run a lot in his wheel (since coming back to me). I was aking about X-ray cause I've read somewhere that it can stress the chin (I think he's already stressed enough) but then, I'd like to know for sure his teeth are ok.
I'm back from the vet, with some bad news. Boing has maloclusion. One of his tooth was growing in hurthing his cheek. No wonder he didn't chew much toy and hay. The vet timmed it and wants to see him back in 2 months to monitor the growth.
i hope he gave you some meds for the pain, if not make sure you watch his food intake. i am going thru the same thing with one of my good luck and as i was told with a lot of love and care your chin can still be around for years to come.
i hope he gave you some meds for the pain, if not make sure you watch his food intake. i am going thru the same thing with one of my good luck and as i was told with a lot of love and care your chin can still be around for years to come.

No she didn't give me pain med... I didn't even tought about that. It was so quick and he didn't seem in pain, just pissed off (I know chin can hide pain). I'm gonna watch his food intake, I don't need another problem. At the moment he's chewing on his grape wine stick, I guess it's a good sign.
I have never heard of a chin not getting pain meds after a teeth trimming. Poor Boing! I would call the vet and see if they can prescribe something over the phone to save you another visit. I can't imagine that not hurting.
He did eat a lot yesterday (maybe a bit more than usual) another good sign. The vet is close today so I can't do nothing. And prescribing over the phone won't do anything since I have to go there and pick the med up. I'll see on monday.