I found some blood in Ronnie's urine tonight. Not a lot, but I don't suppose the amount really matters. I'll be speaking to the vet tomorrow. Please send good thoughts to my poor Ronnie Bonnie.
I found some blood on Mar. 10, but it was different - it was undiluted, as if it had come directly from a vein. This blood is sort of mucus-y and it was in her urine. I found some more this morning. I called the vet and he is going to start her on antibiotics, so I'll go pick those up after work tonight. My poor baby. I hope it's nothing more serious than a UTI.
Oh no, Ronnie! I hope it's something easily treated. When Hemi was bleeding, we had good luck with Chloropalm. I know Ronnie is an old lady hog, but please don't make the mistake I did and wait too long if the bleeding turns out to be uterine. If the vet thinks she can handle it, or if the surgery will be worthwhile, please think about spaying her. I waited too long with Hemi and I regret it.
That's what the vet said too. I'm just so afraid of having her put under anaesthetic at her age. It's killing me to be at work right now! I want to go get her meds and go home and get her started on them. Her appetite has been not so good for the last couple of days too, so this isn't going to help any. At least I have some Benebac to give her.
At Ronnie's age, I wouldn't put her through a spay. The risks are too high and chances are good if she does have a uterine tumour it may have already spread anyways. Can you feel anything in her tummy?
I hope its a UTI and the antibiotic works. Hugs to you both
We started on the antibiotic last night and there was no blood this morning. My brain knows its too early for it to have made any difference, but my heart is hoping!
I couldn't feel anything in her tummy, but she was pretty squirmy.
Now she doesn't seem to be peeing at all. She's on a very light coloured liner and I have paper towel down in the spot she usually pees, and I haven't seen any for about 24 hours now. It's possible that she's peeing in her litter box, but she usually pees on the paper towel at least once a night.
OK, she just peed and there was no blood. Yes! She had very green poop though... a side effect of the antibiotic most likely. She ate pretty well this morning, so that's good too.
Yes, I'm giving her Benebac every day. Past experience has taught me that she'll have green poop regardless of whether I use a probiotic or not... I'm just hoping that it's helping her to feel a bit better.