Blood type question

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Socially inept
Jan 29, 2009
North Idaho
Just wondering, humans have different types of blood. For instance if a O positive and a O negitive human produce a baby the possibly lethal RH factor comes into play. Do chins have all the the same blood type? I have never heard of animals receiving blood after a trauma. Just wondering/thinking.
I am unsure about exact blood types in animals, but they definitely receive blood transfusions. I had a pony once that Ohio State wanted to buy because she was a "universal donor" and was so good about it that they hated to have to give her back after she was there for her feet issues. Basically, they shaved some off of the vet bill in order to use her as a blood donor. Candy never minded. She would contentedly eat her hay while they did it.
Yep, like Peggy said, some do receive transfusions. I watched a show once where a lady's dog was a blood donor. And there's different types of blood for dogs.
But I don't know anything about chin blood and I would guess that probably there haven't been too many studies on it.
I have never heard of animals receiving blood after a trauma.

It's a common practice at WSU's vet med school for dogs and horses. They have a whole slew of off-the-track greyhounds they rescue yearly to be blood donors.

The greyhounds come in from the track, donate for a few months while getting rehabbed and are eventually adopted out.
Maybe CnH should start a chin blood bank, just in case :)

It seems to me that chins don't have very much blood and would really benefit from receiving blood after a very bloody accident or fight. We couldn't do a blood bank but maybe if a person had a couple of healthy chins you could bring them to the vet for a blood draw along with the injured chin.
It seems to me that chins don't have very much blood and would really benefit from receiving blood after a very bloody accident or fight. We couldn't do a blood bank but maybe if a person had a couple of healthy chins you could bring them to the vet for a blood draw along with the injured chin.

It's a good thought, but I would imagine the problem would be the delivery system. When Maeve had to have blood drawn, they had to do it on inner legs, down by her ankles, much like they do a kitten. I'm not sure they have the veins to support an IV set up to give blood products.
Just wondering, humans have different types of blood. For instance if a O positive and a O negitive human produce a baby the possibly lethal RH factor comes into play. Do chins have all the the same blood type? I have never heard of animals receiving blood after a trauma. Just wondering/thinking.

Just a note on this- I am O neg and my husband is O pos, will that be a problem? Now you have me worried!
Chantel, your doctor will let you know if it is a problem; they will check for it very early in the pregnancy.

If you have the rh factor, and he is positive, you will just need a shot in your 7th month of pregnancy, and everything should be fine. I'm rh neg too :)
Chantel, it's OK. We have that problem too. During pregnancy you get a vaccine for that. It's been 15 years so I don't remember eveything and things have probably improved, so do a search on pregnancy and the RH factor.
Opps we posted at the same time, but it's always good to hear from more people.
Thank you everyone! I researched it a bit, and feel much better now! Very interesting though. Now I want to learn more...