Bloating while on Metronidazole???

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So Powder is on Metronidazole for Giardia--this is now day three of treatment, and the last two days he's been much more active, like he's feeling much better. But today he's been a little more listless and I've caught him flattening himself out in his cage like he's trying to stretch his belly; he's also grinding his teeth. His poop tonight was also small, though not really dry.

So I felt his stomach and it felt bloated again. I gave him some more simethicone (hadn't done so in several days since we started the meds for Giardia). Should I be panicked? Or is this a normal occurrence for a chin on meds? He's still eating and drinking well, and I've been keeping up on the benebac and acidophilus in between doses of Metronidazole.

What the heck?!
Just keep giving the simethicone and make sure that he keeps eating. The acidophilus can sometimes make things a little different than normal - it wouldn't cause the gas but it could change the dropping size slightly.

The medication does have some side effects on some chins. Maybe it's making him feel a little icky. Most of the time it doesn't cause any problems at all.

Just relax and keep an eye on the chins. It'll be alright. The simethicone will help dissipate the gas...and he's still making droppings so things are moving. :) I have chins that grind their teeth sometimes and they scare me - I think they do it to get a reaction. Has he ever done it before?
He makes a lot of noises--grunts at me a lot and squeaks; he's done the teeth grinding/clicking before, but this time it's much more pronounced and I can see in his eyes that he doesn't feel good. I just can't tell if he's bloated or finally putting on some weight, but his stomach feels firm, not squishy like my other chin (of course, Dash is much more portly than Powder).

He's eating and drinking well, just not as hyper as he's been the last two days when he started the meds. I also noticed that his poops are TINY now and tonight he passed a few in a clump that were slightly mucousy, like three days ago. I haven't seen the mucous since he started the meds, but it's back tonight. Not a ton, but enough to make me wonder if he needs to be on a different med than Metronidazole.

What do you think?
Should I stop with the acidophilus and shredded wheat with benebac for awhile?
No, keep using the acidophilus. It will help so much in strengthening the chin's immune system and possibly help against reinfection of the giardia. Maybe the shredded wheat is something you could stop for awhile. You could really load him up on timothy or burmuda hay, the fiber would definitely help.

The mucus means that his intestines are irritated. It isn't the medication, it's probably the giardia and the irritation it has caused. I don't know if I would want to change the medication right now. He needs to get a full course of that to kill off the parasites.

You could try letting him have playtime in the bathroom. The exercise would be really good for his gut motility right now.
Okay. I had him out in the bathroom before and he wouldn't move much. So I kind of harassed him a little to try and get him moving and he just got ticked at me. I can try it some more though. He's due for another dose of simethicone in about two hours.
He got mad at you! What a brat. :) I know that face that they make when you try to get them to move and they don't want to move. I'll put them up on the toilet seat lid and make them jump down to get them to move. (That sounds horrible, I know...but chins with digestive issues need to move!)

I hope that he starts feeling better so that you can get some sleep!
Thanks.... I just have this yucky feeling in the pit of my stomach that if I go to sleep, I'll wake up and he'll be worse. Why oh why are chins so dang fragile?!?!