bloated chin

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I have a little guy that has been on meds for an early stage of pneumonia for 9 days and the past 2 days we noticed his is bloated. Have been having to hand feed him he will drink on his own but not eat is this common with meds (baytrill) or is there something I can do to help him get rid of the bloatedness. Thanks
Bloat is serious and I personally hesitate to give advice without the chin going to a vet. You can give a full dropper of simethicone every 3-4 hours and do the massage but I personally always take mine to the ver first, I get the motility drugs and metecam and give the simethicone, you really need the drugs for the pain relief and the sped up action of the digestive tract the motility drugs provide. I would get him to the vet first.
Agreed, your chin needs a vet. Baytril has been known to make chins lose their appetite. You have been handfeeding if I recall? Your chin may need motility drugs at this point but needs a competent vet to diagnose first. Good luck!
I called our vet that saw him before for the pneumonia and she said to push water on him and to cut back on his feedings she said using a syringe to feed him has bloated him and to try to ween him off of it and back to normal eating habits but she said if the bloating hasnt went down with the help of this to call her tomorrow and she will see him. She didnt seem to concerned over a little bloating its not bad but u can tell a difference when u hold him.
If your chin was not eating due to loss of appetite from Baytril, it was imperative to handfeed to keep his gut moving or he would go into gut stasis, a problem equal to if not greater than URI. Perhaps your vet isn't that familiar with chinchillas? Not be concerned over bloating? Huge red flag there.
i would:

A. do a search on the forum for treatment of bloat and do everything possible asap while you are waiting for

B. another vet.

visibly seeing that a chin is bloated is not good. there could be an impaction. i would immediately give 1.0 cc of baby gas drops every 4 - 6 hours. do tummy massage and make sure to handfeed critical care. keep an eye on poop & urine output by lining the bottom of the cage with paper towels. and hopefully you can get an appointment for today or tomorrow with a chin experienced vet
Forcing a chin to drink water is a disaster waiting to happen. The chin really needs to be seen by a vet who knows how serious bloat can be. The longer the bloat is present the harder it is to get rid of and the risk of stasis rears its ugly head.
What are his droppings like?
Has he been having probiotics?
Is he stretching up or pressing his belly against the floor at all?

I agree with the others - if your chin is suffering from bloat then he needs to see a chinchilla competent vet who understands the implications & starts proper treatment ASAP.