Blister(?) on belly

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super-duper hedgiepig
Jan 29, 2009
Hedgiedaddy noticed Satin had a bump on her belly during hedgie play time tonight. At first, he thought it was a nipple, but soon realized it was too big and more centrally located to be a nipple. I'm calling it a "blister" because that's the closest thing I can think of to describe it, but I don't know what it actually was.

It was fairly spherical, stood out from the rest of her belly, and was approx 1/8" in diameter. When I tried to grasp it between my finger and thumb to get an idea of how solid it felt and if it was mobile (ie, I didn't try to squeeze it, per se; just hold it for a moment), it deflated leaving a bit of loose skin behind much like how you get that loose skin after popping a human blister. I didn't see or feel any fluid escaping it... perhaps because she has plenty of belly fur there?? And it's not like it popped... it just deflated. Neither it's presence nor deflation seemed to bother Satin in the least... she had no reaction to it. She wasn't scratching at it, licking it, nor wriggling about when I was touching it. Skin wasn't red or inflamed. I can't figure out why it was there.

I'm wondering - has anyone else seen this in their hedgies? Is it common? What do I do?

My plan is to re-check it in the morning. Assuming nothing scary has happened with it over night that makes me want to run to the vet, I'll just keep monitoring the site for awhile. Does this sound like a good plan?
Do you have a picture and are you sure it is a "she" hedgie you have?
I always worry about lumps and bumps of any kind. Best to get it checked as soon as you can. But that is just my opinion without seeing it.
Do you have a picture and are you sure it is a "she" hedgie you have?

I don't have a pic, but I'm quite certain it's not a penis. It was an entirely new bump that hadn't been present in the last 1y 9mos she's been living with me.

I always worry about lumps and bumps of any kind. Best to get it checked as soon as you can. But that is just my opinion without seeing it.

When I checked this morning the blister/bump has refilled a little. It's still about 1/8" diameter, but only extends about 1/16" from the rest of her belly. The skin appeared rather red in that small area and some tiny scabs had formed. She was much more wiggly this morning - though I'm not sure if it was because she just happened to have the "morning wiggles" as she does sometimes or because the area was sensitive.
We're back from the vet.

Turns out it was a sebaceous cyst. Given Satin's other maladies (the ongoing dry skin and quill loss), the vet found that to be fairly "normal." For now, we just keep an eye on her and hope more don't show up.

Little Satin, you worry your hedgiemommy so...
We're back from the vet.

Turns out it was a sebaceous cyst. Given Satin's other maladies (the ongoing dry skin and quill loss), the vet found that to be fairly "normal." For now, we just keep an eye on her and hope more don't show up.

Little Satin, you worry your hedgiemommy so...

Needler had one removed from his bottom a while back. But it didnt deflate as Satins did. It was solid and hard. The vet actually thought it was a tumor but after opening him up found it was only a cyst. Im glad to hear its nothing serious! I know how scary lumps and bumps can be!
My old hedgie had one that he ended up doing his own "surgery" on by pulling at the fur...gave himself quite the sore and infection because of it. Good idea to take her in quickly!