Blind? Or something else?

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When I was cleaning the cages out tonight I noticed that Tiny, our old guy, has an enlarged eye and he seems to be blind (didn't acknowledge my finger wagging at him until I touched him). His other eye is completely fine. Neither have any kind of discharge. Also there was some hair loss near the base of his tail. I instantly thought of malo but he's not drooling, eating fine and his weight is good.

He's fairly old (somewhere between 16-20 years) so I thought maybe this could just be an age-related thing. But when they go blind does the eye become enlarged (as a way to try and take in all the light it can)? Or could it be swollen because he's bumped into things?

Thanks in advance!
I agree with Cathy. I have now and in the past had blind chins. Their eyes are not enlarged. They look normal unless they have a cataract, which makes the eye look milky. Enlargement would make me think of injury or illness.
They look normal unless they have a cataract, which makes the eye look milky.

His eye does look milky, which is actually the first thing I noticed and why I started comparing it to the other eye. I had a dog that had cataracts when he got older so I recognized it.

Could he have an infection without a discharge? I have a feeling it's an injury from the blindness. Of course I had to notice this at 8pm, so I'll be calling the vet's tomorrow to make an appt.
Yes, there can be infection without discharge, especially if the eye itself is scratched. But if it's all milky, and at his age, it's very possible it's a cataract.
Thanks for the help! Hopefully it's nothing too serious.