biting fur, grinding teeth.. help wanted!

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2009
Hi. so yesturday, one of my chinnies, timo, passed away :( however, i still have his brother (named bounce) who, lately, has been biting at his fur and scratching himself a lot! he has also been making a noise with his teeth, like he's biting his teeth.. thats the only way i can describe the noise. i guess that would mean he is grinding them.
but also, he has been eating, drinking, and pooping.

what should i do? would it be best to call the vet that took care of timo, his brother? she is a house vet and i think it would be less stressful for bounce to stay in his own environment if she checked him out.

do you think it is a good idea to monitor this or call her right away? please and thank you. sorry, im just paranoid now because of the sudden sickness that happened to timo. :(
Do you know what Timo died from? If he was sick there is a good chance his brother could be too. If not, I think a vet visit would give you peace of mind atleast.
well, his brother didnt drink,eat or poop. and the vet said he had a plug of his poo in his back he had gas. :(

but bounce wouldnt get that from him would he?
Probably not. However, the stress of losing Timo may have allowed him to be susceptible to just about anything. If he is still having problems, I would take him to the vet.