Bite wound

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Utica, NY
We have two chins that we used to house together, but we separated because they were getting a little agressive with eachother and we were afraid one would get hurt. We have a FN, one is in the top, and one in the bottom with a pan in the middle.

Anyway, last night when we were feeding them, Dash, who is on top reached his head down to smell Peach who is in the bottom. Well, he bit him, right above his nose. He took a pretty good sized chunk out of his nose! I was surprised at how little it acutally bled. Just a tiny bit, not even a full drop. So we put some Blu-kote on it, and watched him for a little bit.

Today, he seems absolutely normal. Enjoying his scritches, eating and what not. Is there anything else I should do? Should I dust him still or should I wait?
I've had chins who had toes bitten off from a fight, who never limped or showed any discomfort! Didn't notice until healed, and had no problems!
Avoid the dust until scabbed over - it'll be fine!
Hi. I totally relate to you. My gosh! It happened to me the day before yesterday. I bought two young male chins (10 months and 7 months), and they became like brothers as soon as they met. They were so good to each other, so I caged them together within a week. They were fine for a couple of days, but they apparently got into a fight at the night. I heard them running around and jumping around, but I didn't think that they were hurting each other because they were not squeeking or anything, and went back to sleep.
In the morning, I found the 6 moths-old chin with a chunk of skin (or deeper) bit on his nose.
I was just going to give him anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory that I had from other chin's recent vet visit. My BF insisted that I bring to an emergency vet. So, I did.
I don't mean to scare you, but it cost me $335.
I was thinking that I should have just home treat him. But, when I picked him up that night (He got treated during the day, and I went to work before picking him up), I found out that he had got two suitors under sedation. The doctor said that he was lucky because the wound was big, but the skin was hanging, so she could close the skin and saw it up. All this, she couldn't have done, had I kept him home or not allowed the doctor to put him under sedation, clip his fur, clean the wound, and examine the wound. I was given an option by the doctor whether I'd rather have his wound cleaned up to go home soon than have him undergo sedation for a full examination. I am so glad that I let the doctor to examine under sedation.
If it is a small scratch, I will treat it by myself since the vet bills are so high. But, if it is a "big chunk", I recommend that you take him to the vet.
My chin was acting normal and all, but I don't think that it doesn't mean anything. He may suffer later. The wound still can get infected, and the big open wound take a lot of time healing and making a big scar. I will send you a picture of my chin with two stitches. He has to wear a big color around his neck for 2 weeks.
It is upsetting for your chin and also your wallet. It's very expensive. But, it happened, so you have to take care of him and try not to make it happen again. I caged the two boys separately. Also, that night, I was out, and I didn't let him out to play. Maybe they were irritated by that. I will let them out every day without exception from now on. I love them, and also, I cannot be spending this much of money every week. (Last week I spent $150 on another chin)
Good luck!!!
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Nose bites can be tricky. If your chin seems to be breathing okay, and the wound is slight, then he'll probably be ok with the blu-kote. However if it is pretty large, I would go to the vet just in case.

I had a chin that received a bite wound all the way through that punctured into his nasal cavity. He had a very hard time breathing.
The doctor said that he was lucky because the wound was big, but the skin was hanging, so she could close the skin and saw it up. All this, she couldn't have done, had I kept him home or not allowed the doctor to put him under sedation, clip his fur, clean the wound, and examine the wound.

He took a chunk out, but it is clean, there is nothing hanging off, no fur to clip. I think the only thing a vet could do would be to clean it up, which it already is clean, we did that, and maybe put on some anti-biotics, and we put some blue-kote on it.

Last time something like this happened was a year and a half ago when Dash ran head first into his cage after something spooked him. His front tooth went right through his lip and was sticking out the other side. We got the skin back over the tooth and brought him to the vet. She put some disinfectant on it, and sent us home saying, "if it swells up bring him back"

I just don't think it warrents Sedation or anything. lol.
Nose bites can be tricky. If your chin seems to be breathing okay, and the wound is slight, then he'll probably be ok with the blu-kote. However if it is pretty large, I would go to the vet just in case.

I had a chin that received a bite wound all the way through that punctured into his nasal cavity. He had a very hard time breathing.

He is breathing fine. It wasn't on his nostrils or anything. On the top. And it looks like it just pulled some skin off. when i said chunk, i didn't mean a huge piece or anything. Just that as opposed to a scratch or something. I just took a look at it, and you can't even see it unless you get up close.
What is Blu-kote? Where can I get it? :hmm:

It is like an antiseptic that you put on wounds. I got mine at Tractor Supply Company. I think alot of feed stores have it too. It is blue purple color, and stains everything it touches.
I clean with hydrogen peroxide and treat with silver sulfadiazine cream, or honey.
I just wanted to post with a quick update. Peach is fine. His nose is scabbed over, and he hasn't had any problems with it. I think he will be happy to get a dust bath tonight! lol