Bite wound from kits? :(

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I'm sorry if this isn't an emergency, but Im a bit panicked. I was feeling Mira's underside tonight and felt a scab. The area is rough around it and covered in tiny scabs. Im not sure if it is a bite would, or something else. Mira was not like this the other day when I checked her. Could this have been caused by her kits being to rough? Should I be doing anything for her?

Possibly? I'm not sure. It doesn't look bad from what I can tell. I don't think you can put anything on it when she is nursing...I would keep an eye on it.
I can't tell by the way you are holding her but if that is the area around one of her nipples it is common for new moms to have bites/callouses develop around their nipples in the first week or two of nursing. They will also lose fur around the nipples being used. If this is the case, watch it for redness, swelling and warmth to make sure she isn't developing mastitits but otherwise as long as the kits are gaining and not fighting and mom is not pushing them away then it is normal.
Thank you! I'll keep an eye on it :) It is the area around her nipple.