birthing complications???

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New member
Apr 21, 2014
I have a 1yr old chin and she gave birth to 2 kits (first litter) 4 days ago (Thrs). One kit did not make it to the 3rd day. The other kit is doing well. On Sunday we noticed that she is making all the stretching moves as if she was in labor. She never did this these past 3 -4 days. What could be causing her to do this now?
May have a kit that has still not passed, if so it could kill her. She needs to be checked.
She may need a vet I agree. Signs of labor very well may mean a retained kit and that if not passed can lead to a nasty infection
Could be a retained kit or placenta. Either way if she's not acting normal a vet visit is the best option. If you wait she may not be able to be treated.
Like everyone else said, I'd take her to see a vet, sooner rather than later. Better to be safe than sorry, right?
Thanks everyone! She just got in to the vet and now I am waiting. There is only 1 small animal vet that will actually look at her and the vet only comes here 2-3times a week. Anyways, my next question is, if it is another kit or placenta that is stuck and possibly starting to rot, will that have any effect on her kit as she was still nursing it??
No, but she will need to have it removed. It's rare that they will save the uterus. Normally they do a hysterectomy because of infection. Hopefully she will still nurse afterwards. If not, there is an FAQ in this section about how to care for kits.
Mom did not have a stuck kit or placenta. It was a twisted bowel and a prolapsed bowel. She never made it.....we all tried. :( Now I am learning to hand feed the kit and so far so good!