Biggest stinkeye EVER

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Property of Stevie!
Aug 11, 2009
Poperinge, Belgium
Few hours ago I just couldn't get my chin into his cage during playtime.
So I grabbed her tail for the very first time, what happened afterwards was hilarious :laughitup:

She stops, stands still, turns her head VERRRRRYYYY slowly and gives me the worst look I have ever seen since that movie 'Here's JOHNY :p
I hope that they can't fashion spears from their chew toys. If they can, I'm in a lot of trouble if they ever decide to revolt against me. :)

Chinnie stinkeye is the worst. They do that to me all the time. Let's say that, heaven forbid, I leave the house for more than an hour at a time when they aren't zonked out. Well, when I get back I'll have about 90 chins that refuse to look at me and the rest are angry that I messed up THEIR routine by not being here to serve them. Chins...
I hope that they can't fashion spears from their chew toys.

Oh, my boys make shivs, Bryson mainly. It's nuts. They file it down to a sharp point. I have to take them out because I'm scared if I do something wrong I'll get it thrown at me at night.

I just confiscated this one from the cage.
WHOA! Bryson is a homicidal maniac killer! He seemed so sweet. :)

I don't use many sticks with my chins...they have blocks for the most part. But what if they widdled those down into spears. I'm getting scared.

Naw, my chins love me...they'd never hurt me, or would they?

What if I decide that no one gets treats one night and they all band together to create weapons? That sounds like a plot to a bad horror movie. The Revenge of the Chinchillas. They'll be scrawling that "Viva Las Chinchillas" on my hallway wall in my blood. :) (It's late and I think everything I say is hilarious...terribly sorry if people read this in the sober light of morning and just figure I am crazy.)