Big Bird/Parrot Cage for Chins?

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Besotted Chinchilla Lover
Jan 20, 2010
Long Island, NY USA
I was just wondering if anyone uses a big bird cage for their chins. Something similar in size to a 3 level FN cage. I saw one with deep pull out bottom drawer for bedding and with seed catchers all around it that would catch poop and bedding.

I would look for small bar spacing and not use a wire or mesh floor.

Thank you for the help.

I know a lot of people who use large bird cages for chins. I used one when I got my first chin before I switched over to a FN.
I have seen them used as well. Some of them are very cool!
Thinking back I actually miss my birdcage. I liked the bar spacing better and overall it was a better made cage than the FN. The FN just makes more sense for me since I can expand up instead of having a bunch of individual cages.
I used to have an aviary as my chins' cage. I really loved the look of it and the seed guards were a big plus but cleaning the inside of the cage was kind of a hassle because of the doors. It was hard to get to the top shelves to vacuum or wipe off. I had to unscrew some shelves to clean it and mine became a pain. I finally gave in and got an FN. It's definitely a doable cage and I have seen them come with larger doors.


I have my newest guy in an Aviary as well,...but I sure wish I had that seed guard deal! LOL I am finding it messy, but am thinking I will switch to liners and a litter pan.

Thank you all so much. I thought I was on the right track for what I need. Right now my girl is in a Marchioro cage that I expanded upward by putting three wire parts of those cages on one base. I am adding a Flying Saucer wheel etc. very soon.

I got my girl from a family run store that works with quality breeders for all their small animals. My girl came to me tame and healthy. Their specialty is birds that they breed and raise themselves. So it is very easy for me to get a good sized aviary with seed catchers from them and not have to pay for shipping.

Thank you so much. Those picture examples are just wonderful. What an inspiration.

Oooo boy! I will start planning for next year.