Largest here was 73 grams--a single ebony male. His mom got so big I would have bet $$ on twins, then she popped out ONE! I couldn't believe she only had one, but he was a robust little man. Still growing well, so I hope he keeps this up and turns out as big as Momma & Daddy (1000 g & 920 g respectively). Go, big guy, go!:thumbsup:
My medium ebony female was 76g at birth...and in a litter of two without complications as far as I am aware. I'm not sure how big her brother was but her breeder showed me her parents and they are big and beautiful! She's just shy of 4 months old right now and I just weighed her at 540g yesterday. I hope she keeps it up!
I have had 78 gram babies born...anything larger seems to get torn apart during birth (sorry, I hate to have to say that) and generally I don't know exactly how much they weigh.