Best way to inform breeder of Malo in lines?

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
Johnson City, TN
I have a chinchilla that I bought about a week ago and i've noticed that her eyes have started running and her jaw seems off. After checking her last night I noticed that her teeth are very long and missaligned. I have never met this chin's breeder, nor do I know how to contact them, but I have the ped and can figure out easy enough. She will be going to the vet tomorrow afternoon yo see for sure what's going on. She is almost 2. What is the best way to inform the breeder if this is malo?
Just call them or email them with the animal's numbers and the parents numbers. Make sure you let them know that you aren't looking for a replacement, but just wanted to let them know of possible problems in the lines.
Stick to facts...'This is the animal and the parents listed on the pedigree. These were the symptoms and this is what the vet did/said and what the x-rays showed.' Just inform. Do not tell the breeder what you think he/she should do (unless its someone who doesn't have a clue and shouldn't be breeding).

One possible case of malo does not mean there is malo in the lines. There are causes other than genetics. Some breeders will pull the parents (and/or siblings) from breeding all together just in case, some will just separate them and put with a different mate, some will wait to see if it shows up again in the line before taking action. Its up to the breeder.

Also, one case of malo does not mean this is a 'bad breeder'. You didn't suggest that, but some people seem to think that way. Malo, heart murmers, fur chewing, etc. can show up at any time. What makes a bad breeder is someone who continues to breed chinchillas knowing they are producing offspring with these traits/deformities.
That's why I was asking, I don't want to offend somebody and I don't want them to feel like i'm going to be going around telling everyone either. Thanks guys
some will just separate them and put with a different mate,

And that is just sad. This is how malo carriers are made and how malo pops up "unexpectedly" on someone. Separating the two may stop the problem with their offspring, but it isn't going to stop the malo from happening in the next generation's litters, if it is in fact genetic, which no one can tell them from an x-ray.
I have a male that was in breeding with 3 different females. One of the females had 2 different litters with a total of 3 kits. Malo showed up in 2 of the kits at about 2 years old and the other younger. I had 10 x-rays done of all the moms, male, and male's off springs to see if they had malo too. The rest didn't show signs of malo but I still need to keep an eye for that. In fact, I probably have the 8 retested to see if there are any changes.

I had a friend on the forum contact one of the breeders while I contacted the other breeder. It was hard to do but still needs to be done. Sorry that you have to go through what I did last year.
It's good for them to be aware of it though. My white german shep has a very rare thing called pannus. It's an auto immune issue where the body fights the eyes, coats them over and they can go blind if not treated with daily steroid drops. Though she had never heard of any of her other animals with this issue, it is supposedly something genetic. We felt we had to tell her.
we have a chihuahua that has something wrong with her hips, cant remember it now, but they are loose and she is bowlegged. we told the lady that bred her because the vet said its genetic and the mom should not be allowed to breed again. but she still breeds her because she doesnt want to lose the money.
i would inform the breeder, what ever she decides to do from there is her decision. the best you can do is guide her in the right direction. and i agree with arf, this doesnt make her a bad breeder. shes just not aware of it yet. i know if i was her i would want to know.