Lol, I love the first answer! There's something about sharing stories of the latest antics my demented squirrelly-critter has got up to with non-chin people, and watching the concerned look spread over their faces... I have a reputation in my family for my unfailing knack for picking 'troublesome' animals. I say it's what makes them interesting. :laughitup:
My favourite thing about them is how curious they are...although it's decidedly the 'killed the cat' type of curiosity (I've always had Siamese, so I'm used to mad cats). Chins do daft things not because they're stupid, but because they're smart and nosy. They can think things through when they actually want to, for instance if you try to barricade something so they can't get at it, or tell them 'no' (this word means 'wait, do it when no one is looking!').