best methods to tame a chin??

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
i have a ebony male thats slightly cage aggressive. he spits and occasionally bites when trying to take him out the cage but when you are holding him he isnt aggressive..does anyone know a good method to taming him with his cage aggression...he is the only chin i have that does this :(
yeah probably let him be in his cage to let him get used to the surrounding.
After he has been a bit more calm, maybe in a week or two, start slow. Put your hand in the cage, let him come smell and climb on you. Keep doing this until he is comfortable. Then go on to having him come up your arm, then into your arms, etc. until he feels safe doing these things. Talk calmly.
After he has been a bit more calm, maybe in a week or two, start slow. Put your hand in the cage, let him come smell and climb on you. Keep doing this until he is comfortable. Then go on to having him come up your arm, then into your arms, etc. until he feels safe doing these things. Talk calmly.

ok thanks , yes he is my ebony male i just purchased.. he takes treats from my hand and when i go to give them there hay he is crawling all over me but besides that he doesnt like to much attention..just in his cage if i get him out he is so sweet
I think with chins that act like that it's best to offer them something every time you go into the cage... It doesn't always have to be a treat, you can give them an apple stick or some other safe wood, a piece of hay anything the chin likes. Each time you put your hand in there the chin gets something good and they learn that you coming at them is positive. It really does help.
I agree, patience to let him get used to his surroundings he could be unsure about you and "treating" when you do interact with him inside his cage also puts a good association with you in his space, either a treat, a chew stick, or I even just give a pellet when I fill the bowl or a piece of hay- I think it helps, Ferdinand was somewhat aggressive with my roommate until he got to know her and got good associations with her.
I like to use a pouch to tame down chins. It's more of a non-invasive approach. The chins get to ride along with me, but they are cuddled and cozy the whole time...not being held or scared. After about two weeks I can have most chins tamed down into sweet little babies...they just need to be reassured and kept calm.

I know this sounds strange, but speaking to them very positively helps out a tremendous amount. Always be as patient as you can be, never show them any frustration. Just be calm and happy, talk to them as much as you can with a happy tone - it works, I swear.

Chins pick up on our frustration, anger and frustration. Those things should be checked at the door upon entering the chins' room. Being around positive people will make all the difference in the world. I also play happy music for the chins at all times. They crave that noise! It soothes them and keeps them calm in their cages, even if it is repetitive to the point where I have made up my own not-so-nice lyrics to all the songs.

And yes, toys and fun things to destroy help out tremendously. Destroying something every day seems to be a must for every chin's well-being. :D
I like to use a pouch to tame down chins. It's more of a non-invasive approach. The chins get to ride along with me, but they are cuddled and cozy the whole time...not being held or scared. After about two weeks I can have most chins tamed down into sweet little babies...they just need to be reassured and kept calm.

Can you tell us a little more about this pouch? I can't imagine a chin wanting to stay in one very long and just sitting there, plus wouldn't it get pretty warm for them?
I have four chins. Some 'like' me more than others. You can definitely let him get used to you but some are just more friendly than others. I also have a cat that rarely lets anyone pet him. All my animals are allowed to be who and what they want to be with no pressure from me. Friendly, standoffish, they are all still my pets and I accept them as they are. Each of them has charming qualities no matter how much they interact with me. But I do agree it is more fun to have a pet that lets you interact with it.
i have a ebony male thats slightly cage aggressive. he spits and occasionally bites when trying to take him out the cage but when you are holding him he isnt aggressive..does anyone know a good method to taming him with his cage aggression...he is the only chin i have that does this :(

I just have a question. How does a chin spit? I've heard many people say this but I'm under the impression that chins can't really spit saliva so what does this mean?
Could someone tell me a little bit about the playpens? I'm a VERY new mom, I just got my very first baby less than a week ago, and I'm totally addicted - my little chinzilla has got to be the sweetest thing on four legs!! We have a play pen for my daughter's hamsters, but I don't remember ever seeing one for a chin. Wouldn't it be a little small? I can't imagine there would be enough room for much running around. I would love to be able to let my baby out to just run around in one room, but I am gonna need to do a lot of chin proofing first - this might be a good thing in the interim until I can get 'his play room" together.
They come out of the pouch if they get too warm. They're fine in there and won't overheat. My pouches are open at the top so they can poke their heads out at any time or try to get out. Most of the time they fall asleep in there and I will just carry them around for an hour or so until they wake up. :) I've never had a problem with anyone overheating. Sometimes they don't want to stay in the pouch...but it's safe, I'm there the whole time and the chins feel comfortable. Sorry if that seems not right?

I have a chin that actually does get mad enough to get little droplets out of his mouth when he gets mad. Most chins don't spit and if they do, they have no accuracy as to where the spit goes. :D
Could someone tell me a little bit about the playpens? I'm a VERY new mom, I just got my very first baby less than a week ago, and I'm totally addicted - my little chinzilla has got to be the sweetest thing on four legs!! We have a play pen for my daughter's hamsters, but I don't remember ever seeing one for a chin. Wouldn't it be a little small? I can't imagine there would be enough room for much running around. I would love to be able to let my baby out to just run around in one room, but I am gonna need to do a lot of chin proofing first - this might be a good thing in the interim until I can get 'his play room" together.

i would make sure that its tall or you have a cover..all of our chins jump out of ours and its pretty big lol
:Runs off to make a pouch or buy a Prada handbag!!!:

Do you think that I could get one used to running around with me all day like the ladies with the little purse pups do??? Maybe with a frozen ice pack on the bottom to keep him cool???? Be still, my heart!!! ;)
That would be awesome...if I could take a chin everywhere with me, I probably would. I'd just hate for them to get loose somewhere...

I just use my pouches inside.

Off topic here...but I do have one of those doggie purses for carrying around my sweet Fifi. She's always wanting to get out to try to fight other dogs and she hates being around anyone that isn't me....the purse didn't work out too well. My sweet little puppy girl is too much of a little bully...
That would be awesome...if I could take a chin everywhere with me, I probably would. I'd just hate for them to get loose somewhere...

I just use my pouches inside.

I started using this method today to one of my more aggressive chin. It seems to work a little!:thumbsup:
He seems less aggressive towards me after that! Should i place fleece towel inside for him? Because the only problem I had was his ears turning red! :wacko:

His currently having some minor eye infection so please pardon his untidy fur :)

This are some of the pictures we took earlier today! My hubby made the pouch with fleece blanket and a bag! Of cos with binder clips to hold everything together! :cheer2:


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I don't think I would put fleece in, his ears were probably turning red because he was getting too hot.
I'm iffy on the pouch idea because of what you said. If his ears were turning red, he was getting hot. The idea of a pouch up next to your body, along with it being a fabric enclosed space, makes me feel like the chin would get too hot after awhile.

I have a chin that loves to ride in hoodie pockets, but I no longer let him because his ears would start to get extremely red after even 5 minutes in the pocket.