I love my FurBlobs.
I had my chis on Nutrena or whatever that new PANR is since they switched it and all of their poops were soft so I switched them to Oxbow. They like it a lot, but Ralphy's coat doesn't look so great and it used to look awesome! This is probably partially attributed to his skin drama.
Furby chews his fur, and Waldo is still as fluffy as ever, but Ralphy's definitely lost weight since the switch, Furby has too and I haven't had Waldo long enough to tell. But, aside from Nutrena, what do you all recommend for a super nice coat/how do you keep it looking awesome? (My guys get dust like once a week)
Furby chews his fur, and Waldo is still as fluffy as ever, but Ralphy's definitely lost weight since the switch, Furby has too and I haven't had Waldo long enough to tell. But, aside from Nutrena, what do you all recommend for a super nice coat/how do you keep it looking awesome? (My guys get dust like once a week)