With show fast approaching I've upped dusting to almost every day and did a rough groom (okay, in reality they could probably go straight to a show) tonight. Here are updated pics of everyone I'm considering.
First the whites:
First girl is from new lines, hoping to see if they're worth continuing. She'll be in the young class. Tight fur, nice and dense but in some lighting she does look a bit yellow to me. We shall see.
Second is an ebony white male, he's reserved and will leave after show. Longer fur but quite dense and decent strength. He's got the clarity I like too.
Third is a very dark mosaic, mother was the same though I definitely think she's an improvement. Probably my best white for show, nice size and she'll be in the adult class. Good shape, clarity and density. Overall nice. She's the first kit I have out of the mother as she was a bit slow getting started. She'll be staying here.
Fourth, this girl I'm just not sure about. She's got the clarity for sure, and she seems reasonably dense but her fur just isn't as tight as I'd like. I'll be keeping her regardless as she's the only mosaic female that's been anywhere near worth keeping out of my oldest (and one of my first) mosaic females.