New member
Hello, I am new to this forum and to owning chins. I have done a lot of research on them but really wanted to actually get some advice from people who also own them and who have been through all this themselves rather than just googling things. We recently adopted 2 boys they are brothers and they are 15 weeks old. They have obviously been housed together their whole lives so far since they are brothers but i know since they are still babies they are still trying to establish dominance. Most of the time they are cuddling and sleeping together or playing but they sometimes chase each other around a little and one of them will get on top of the other one to hump them, it's usually just for a few seconds and sometimes the one underneath will make a little squeaking sound and it doesn't ever last long so I am not to worried about it but I just wanted to ask if there is ever a point I should be worried or look out for. I guess just asking if there is ever a point where i should put my hands in there to separate them and what is normal behavior.