Beginners Fur Chewing?

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2009
New Jersey
Can anyone send me a link/picture of a chinchilla that had just started fur chewing or very mild fur chewing? My female Clover always had a nice coat but the last few weeks I've noticed that little strands are starting to be pulled out in several places. She has her own cage so it has to be herself doing it. Or could it be something else other than that? She's eating and drinking normally but she has been a lot more mellow the last couple weeks as well, still excited to go out and play but when she's in her cage she usually just lays in her tube. I'm just not sure what to think?
If it's just strands coming out, it could just be priming or coat blowing, also. When a chin is chewing, you don't usually see fur coming out, you see an obvious indent in the fur.
Ooh okay. Yeah it's just little strands, it's not an obvious spot. Thanks for the advice.