Beginners Breeding

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Hello All! I have been going through CnH trying to find more information on breeding chinchilla's. As I have been studying Chinchilla's for a while now, I have seen a lot of postings from other "more experienced" members who often give negative feedback for wanting to learn more about the breeding process or even having the slightest interest in wanting to breed. I am not one to judge. However, I have noticed a lot of other people like me (who seem to be just as in love with Chin's if not more and want to take it a step further)are getting belittled for wanting to do so. How did those of you who are experienced breeders get your start? Also, is there a forum here where us beginners can go to talk to other beginner breeders?? Maybe even have some of you "experienced" (some I think seem to think they knew everything about breeding at their own birth) breeders help us instead of having us walk into breeding unprepared (as in support if we have questions). I have put time and love into researching. I have a Vet. to help if need be! I am willing and as able as any of the older breeders. One must have passion for what they do and will do what they have passion for. So all in all, more help in understanding rather than negative feedback or remarks would be more appreciated from any and all fellow breeders (new or old)! Thank you for your time!
Most of the "negative feedback" you refer to is to people who start off their breeding in the entirely wrong way and refuse to listen when told to separate their pet store chins. The good, reputable breeders on this site are more than willing to help anyone who has questions, but when people put their good work down the drain simply because they want "cute babies", well it tends to piss them off.

Aside from reading the FAQs and asking questions, another good way to learn about breeding is to go to sanctioned chinchilla shows. You'll learn what you want to breed towards (it can't be shown as well in pictures). At shows, you can also talk to people face-to-face, and talk to many breeders who don't participate in the website.
Hello Ash! I understand that there are those people who are only doing it for cute babies. However, assuming that everyone or the majority of us who have become members and want to learn and understand the process are only doing it for those reasons is unfair. I am not trying to be rude or what not as I have found this site to be very informative. I have just been reading for hours and noticed that there are a lot of people (experienced breeders and not so experienced) that seem to offer no support or help at all and only seem to belittle the person that has posted questions. As for the Chinchilla shows sound very promising! Thank you for the information!!
When I first was researching breeding four years ago on the old CnQ forum, nobody jumped on me. I did extensive research though, attended shows, visited ranchers and other breeders, and prepared myself both mentally and financially for the rigors of breeding. Then when I was ready, I purchased top quality animals (I bought the Grand Show Champion for my first breeding male!) and followed the advice I had been given.

The reason many of the more experienced breeders may give negative feedback is because all too often these "beginner breeders" are breeding poor quality animals, are just trying to make a quick buck without regard for health or quality, just want to see their chin have cute babies, or are not prepared for possible problems or even basic things like having proper baby-safe cages... With so many out there breeding just for fun, it can be irritating that they have such little regard for the lives they are bringing into the world. The threads normally escalate when these new breeders don't follow advice or become argumentative.
I agree with Sumiko.

One of my least favorite things to do is to discuss someone starting up breeding. The reason why is that when I try to explain things I am shut out completely. I've been screamed at, hung up on, called all sorts of names and treated like dirt for just discussing the proper way of breeding. Most of the time someone starts out with an animal from unknown origins and wants to breed said animal...and when I say one thing about doing things properly I get yelled at.

There is so much that goes into breeding chins. It can be very difficult, it isn't very profitable and it is excruciatingly time consuming. So much goes into learning and researching when starting up. I had so many good mentors when I started, I started with healthy animals and lots of help.

If no one was ever met with any resistance upon wanting to start up breeding, we wouldn't be doing our job. The first rancher that I spoke to about buying a breeding chin said to me, "Why do you want to breed chinchillas?" That is a valid question and I don't think anyone should get offended if breeders here ask it.

And, if you want a list of reasons to stay the heck away from breeding, let me know...when I have time I will list reasons and tell some stories about some horrible things that have happened here. It's not easy and not many people can handle breeding chinchillas...even on a very small scale very few people should actually do it.
When someone has been involved with chinchillas for more then just a few months, has gotten breeding quality animals, and knows basic care for their chinchillas they are not jumped on for wanting to breed.

Those that are "jumped on" have little to no knowledge about chinchillas -as pets-, let alone breeding animals. They most often do not have proper breeding animals, have not attempted to research on their own/want everything "spoon fed" to them, and have no desire to follow the advice given to them unless it's exactly what they want to hear, not what is actually correct.

When I started breeding almost 6 years ago, at the age of 15 almost 16, I was not jumped on. However, I had owned chinchillas for 3 years prior to starting to breed, did my research, and purchased quality breeding animals as well as found several mentors that I trusted, who guided me along the way. I didn't jump into breeding, took the advice of those who were in the business for several years, and was willing to learn.

The key is, willingness to learn. Willingness to strive to do the right thing, and to listen to those who truly DO know more then you may. To take advice and constructive criticism, without running away "crying" or telling everyone they suck.

I have taken several new breeders under my wing, set them up with breeding stock at "reduced" prices to help them along, and most importantly offered support and advice 24/7.

A good start, and a good way to learn is to attend the many chinchilla shows around the country, go to the chinchilla picnics hosted by the local show chapters, and to befriend an experienced breeder(find a mentor), who will help to guide and show you the ropes. You want to stay away from breeding petstore chins, rescues, low quality chins etc.
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I remember from before you started breeding chins, Megan. That was a big deal when you started! You took it very seriously...that's what all beginning breeders should do. It's a big deal, not something to take lightly at all when making the decision.
Good morning all! Thank you all for your advise!!! I have been studying chinchilla's for a little over four years. I have always had male chinchilla's. I was interested in breeding but knew I should learn about the animal not just to "know" the animal but to become apart of the chinchilla colony. I do take my chinchilla's very seriously lol. I have talked to Whimsy here in VA and she was the one who suggested this site. So, if I was interested in breeding I would have more knowledge and helpful feedback from fellow experienced breeders. As I didn't plan on starting breeding so early, I was given two different females who are pregnant. Neither one of the orignial owners cared enough to separate the females from the males. So I took them to the vet (yes who does deal with exotics) mainly for a wellness check considering Dusty was really depressed due to the resent loss of her cagemate. I am not one to throw away animals like a used pair of shoes. I agreed to the original owners that I would solely be responsible for these Chinchillas. So, with that said here I am! I am a stay at home mom so I can say I do have plenty of time to provide my chinchilla's with the much needed love and compassion as I give my own child. During this process, I in return have taught my daughter about animals mainly what I rescue (Reptiles and Chinchillas) and to respect them and be responsible for them and their individualities. Once again I look forward in moving forward with my passion with all of you and I appreciate your time and helping me!
It's not that we're born knowing everything, or that we're rude really.

Here is a list of tips to getting good help.

At least listen to and think about the advice. Reading advice and then saying, well I don't want to do it that way, or that's not what I read on some obscure website will not win any admiration.

Don't deny you're a breeder. One pair is a breeder.

Don't expect us to support you breeding rescues or chins with unknown backgrounds.

Don't expect us not to be skeptical of you if we've never seen you around or asking questions. I will easily say that 9 out of 10 "breeders" who start up disappear within a year, totally fall off the face of the earth or "sell out".

Here is a basic "how to" run down of someone wanting to breed.

- Find a mentor. Actually find a couple. Someone who can talk to in person is awesome. A new breeder is a cohort, not a mentor, but they are good too. A mentor should be someone who'd been breeding for a while and will take your calls when something is wrong, sick chin, etc.

- Get quality breed stock. Spend the money, start out slow. My average price for a standard male that I buy for my runs is $250. Yes I can get one for $50, but unless I really know it has what I need... it's probably not worth it. I usually pick out the male first, ask the price later.

- Go to shows. Take your animals. Even having someone evaluate your herd at home is not as good as a show. Anyone can look through 200 low quality animals and find ones that really stand out. But if you take those to a show they might get laughed off the table. Strive to breed the best chins you can, which might be more than the best out of your herd.

- Be prepared for something to go wrong. A lot of people think oh cute babies. But it's not all just cute babies. In over 6 years of breeding I've only had one c-section. But I know others who have at least one a year. Be prepared to pull a whole line because malo pops up. Be prepared to take you most beautiful chin you've raised and have it place super low on the table and have you whole heart crushed when you realize you're not doing something right or good enough.

Basically it's like this, if you come in having done research and acknowledging you don't know everything, no one's going to bash you. I don't know everything. There is always more I can learn, stuff I don't know. And I know this. We see tons of hot headed know it all people come in here, ask for "help" and get mad when we give it. We're not acting holier than though, we're speaking from experience. We've seen people come, and people go. People who "were in it for long term"... People who "did their research" then got on spouting wrong information or asking things like how long is a chin pregnant for... things they should know if they researched.
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Thank you Riven for some helpful feedback! Like I said I personally have not breeded as I was in process of learning/researching! My original pair or chins are both males! I was given a male and female whose original owner could not deal with them. Which are in the process of being separated. However, once I took her to the vet he said she was pregnant. Also, my other female, Dusty, was given to me by her ex-owner cause her cage mate (whom I was told was a female) died. She has become upset and the ex-owner felt it was not fair to keep her pinned up in a cage since she has become irrate towards the other chins. I do not plan on continuing to breed but still take interest in becoming a breeder. I do appreciate all information you have provided as anyone else who would like to help me out! I do not know everything and I like you know there are always new things to learn! I do not intend on offending anyone so if I have I do apologize!!!! Thank you for everyones time and I look forward to asking lots of questions as I move forward!!! Thank you!!!!
The pet chin market had pretty much dried up and the rescues are full to the brim. If you make more chins you need to also think about how you are going to get them homes.
I am not nor will I be rehoming any of my chins! <(- -)> They are allllll mine hehe I have lots of land and room. (Not that this makes me allowed to breed.) However, it is a very good thought to think about :)
I was given a male and female whose original owner could not deal with them. Which are in the process of being separated.

I'm curious what "in process of being separated" means.

There is tons of chinformation on this site. The one thing that makes this site so valuable is that you get so many opinions. Many people (i.e. your mentor) may have found one thing that works for them and they stick with it; but here you can learn about many ways to get the same job done.
I am not nor will I be rehoming any of my chins! <(- -)> They are allllll mine hehe I have lots of land and room. (Not that this makes me allowed to breed.) However, it is a very good thought to think about :)

Another thought for you, rescue chins need forever homes, not just a place at a rescue , if you have the land and room perhaps take a few of them in also.
RE: Diamond Dreams touched on why I suggested having more than one mentor, you can get different opinions and experiences that way. :D

I breed, and I take in rescues. I feel that's only fair.
I agree with Elisa. What does "in the process of being separated" mean? They either are separated or they aren't. I suggest NOT breeding the two females you have (since they were surrendered to reputable breeder with high quality chinchillas "surrenders" their animals) and acquire a high quality pair to start with. The two girls you have can probably even be paired in the future to be a happy same sex pair. There is no reason for the male/female pair you have to stay together. I would remove him immediately as he can get her pregnant again before she's even delivered the litter she's carrying.

We encourage people who are interested in breeding to find a mentor. Someone that has a lot of experience and can be there for you 24/7 and educate you and share their knowledge with you. We don't discourage new breeders, we discourage irresponsible breeders. It is a HUGE difference. I have offered to mentor several people that started out wrong. Most of them don't take me up on it...something about how they've decided chinchilla breeders are stuck up or something.

It's also hard for those of us who are experienced breeders to find a nice way to respond to a thread where the OP is automatically assuming how we will respond and immediately on the defensive. If you are wanting to do things the right way and do things properly, why get defensive before we've gotten to know you? SOME "breeders" starting out get jumped on for not taking advice, being rude, or endangering the lives of their chinchillas. We care about the chinchillas and improving them. We've worked very hard to achieve the quality we have really pushes the wrong buttons when you see someone destroying all our hardwork for no reason.
The bonded pair Wall-e and Eve are in a four cubed FN Stackable cage (the ones that have the pinup ramps). So they are separated just not bond separated cause they seem to be more aggressive towards my other chins. So Wall-e will drag his hut or anything else to stand on to give Eve kisses through the wire. As for not breeding them, I personally never did they came to my home that way. I never intended to breed them. Like I stated before, I was interested in breeding and want to eventually after I am done with researching as what I have been doing for years. I spoke with Whimsy about getting into breeding as I wanted to adopt some of her chins and she would not but did suggest this site so here I am! I appreciate all of your feedback!
I am considering breeding too and appreciate the advice on this thread. I can't wait for the next chinchilla show because we are bringing Edgar and his breeder has offered to walk us through the process. I can only imagine how much I will learn and it will also be good to talk to other breeders. There is so much to learn I know one show is only going to create more questions.