Beginner breeding?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I would like help with breeding, I am young and still in school, but what I would consider knowledgeable for my age, I kind of live in the boondocks and do not currently have a vet (Yes, I know, shame on me) but there is an exotic vet about an hour away.
I currently have two pet store chins, (Again shame :p) I have one breeding pair (Pedigreed), and one male chin with a pedigree, sorta I was supposed to e-mail her about it and I never got that done, and I don't even know if she still has it. :\
I just would like some advice. How much a breeding line would cost? Can you just go to a show and not show animals? How to join ECBC, rules, age, all of the above. etc. Thank you so much, I would really enjoy to help improve the quality of this beautiful animal.
The first thing I would advice you to do is read the breeding and babies section and all the FAQ's regarding breeding and kit care. That will give you a start.

The second thing I would advise is for you to attend a show. You have a nice show there in Colorado, though I think it's already over for this year. If you check the show section, you'll be able to find it and plan for next year as it's always around the same time.

Next I would say find a mentor, someone knowledgeable about breeding and chins in general, what qualities to look for, what goals you want to have, etc. Visit their breeding barn and decide how you want to breed - in runs, pairs, colonies, etc.

As far as cost of a breeding line, no one can tell you that. That depends on what you want to breed and who you want to get them from. Bottom line though, if you're going to breed, get standards, good quality standards. Whether you want to focus on mutations or standards doesn't matter, you will need standards as the foundation of your herd/breeding line.
Also talk with your parents. I assume you are still dependent on them since you're in school, and they will probably have to help you out with expenses. For example, you may have to take a chin who is having birthing complications to a vet to get a c-section, and it is not cheap. If this is something you would not be able to afford and your parents would not be willing to spend, then I would wait until you can financially afford it.

You also need to be sure that you will have someone that is willing and able to help hand feed kits around the clock should they not be able to nurse from their mother for whatever reason.
Good point Stack - without parental support, breeding as a minor is a no go.

I forgot to answer one of your questions! You can do a search for ECBC and MCBA and check what the requirements are for joining on their websites. They both have one. I'm pretty sure you can join on your own as a teen with MCBA, but I don't know the rules for Empress, so you'll need to read up on that one.
Mikayla, the Colorado Branch of ECBC is having its Fall Field Day on Saturday, October 2nd. You should come out and meet the ranchers that are in the area.

I am a pet only person, but yes, you can belong to ECBC (I do); membership is not a requirement to attend shows and field days and meet knowledgeable people and see real QUALITY chins.

Saturday, October 2, 2010 – Fall Field Day, Claiming Show
Location: Wheatridge Grange Hall, 2850 High Ct., Wheatridge CO
Setup: 6pm Friday, October 1
Entry: 7am Saturday, October 2
Judging: 10am Saturday, October 2
Entry: $4 members / $7 nonmembers per animal
Entries: 15 standard / 15 mutation
Judges: Rancher participation
Show Chairs: John Suhr, 970-330-9140, 970-397-1638 (cell)
Maynard Beitz, 970-482-1834, 970-481-8650 (cell)
Thanks for the wonderful info! Tunes, I have read and reread the breeding FAQs as I having been dreaming of breeding for a while, I just have now talked to my mom about it. :] Lynn, can I just come to watch the show?
Of course you may!!! We're always looking for new people that want to learn about chinchillas!!! There is no fee for admission to be a spectator. Get there early if you would like to observe the grooming process.

I myself had never even heard of the forums or knew that you could show chins until I met a young chinchilla owner at the vet. She invited me to my first show, and I knew nothing about what was going on.

Don't be shy -- introduce yourself and tell them that you are new and there to learn. People LOVE to share their knowledge with people who are interested in learning.

Unfortunately, since our Fall Field Day is usually the 3rd Saturday of the month, I already made plans and booked a flight to attend the WI MCBA show on the same day, so I won't be there. :( But I WILL be at the February show in Ft. Collins!!!

I can assure you that everyone in attendance will be happy to see you and be willing to help you understand what is going on. Be sure to wear white or grey if you want to sit in the front row -- no bright colors, as they could reflect on the chins' fur during the judging process.

The group that usually shows up for this is a GREAT one, and I'm proud to call all of them my friends!!!

ETA: By the way, where in Colorado are you located???
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Thank you so much! I'm so excited to come! I actually live in Fort Morgan, about an hour east of Denver, it's an itty bitty town :p Thanks for all the input, and I'm planning on attending!
Butting in. Thanks for that info Lynn. I've been searching for shows with little luck, don't live in CO now, but I was raised just outside of WR and my folks are still there.....

How many usually show up for this?...
I was actually wondering the same thing! I tend to be somewhat shy, and then I kind of jump out and am a little too bold...So going into new place I get nervous...does anyone know about how many people are there?
I have meet Mikayla and her family. She is shy, lol. She has been here, and has been doing lots of research.

Mikayla, are you needing Sampson's pedigree? I keep records of peds of all chins I've had and I can send or email it to you if you need it.

The Fort Collin's show is very laid back and you'll have a great time there. I have not been to the other show, but it'll be the same people, so I'm sure that it's the same!

If you guys get a chance, you can contact Maynard and Calista Beitz, They are in Ft. Collins ( I'm guessing that's and hour and half from you? ) they will give you a tour and be glad to answer any questions, they are wonderful people, and you can always contact me as well.

Joining ECBC you will get monthly magazines and such. Which can have some great articles in them.
I am a little shy...until I get to know a person...than they all just want me to shut up :] I very excited to get to go to the show, I hope I don't chicken out.

I might just call them, I'll have to build up the confidence to get it done. O.O
It will be fairly small, maybe 15-20 people, thinking back to years past.

Along with Maynard and Calista, you are close to John and Diana Suhr ( in Greeley and a young rancher, Sydnee D. (she is a minor, so I'm not putting her last name) just outside of Ft. Collins. Sydnee gave a presentation on genetics at our National Meeting last year in Colorado.

All of these people are very nice and DO NOT bite and would LOVE to meet you, so DON'T chicken out!!!


In Denver go WEST on I-70
Go SOUTH (left) on Wadsworth
Go EAST (left) on 38th Avenue
Pass Vance Street, Upham Street, and Teller Street (It is a very short distance)
Turn NORTH (left) on High Ct.
Proceed half a block to the Grange Hall
Okay, I'm glad, I know they won't bite but still....Lol, I think I'll be fine. Thank you so much! I thionk we'll need those directions lol my mom isn't so great with city driving Hehehe
Actually depending on who's there I wouldn't put a nibble past... but not a full fledged bite...

I won't think I'll be attending any Colorado shows, and maybe only one of our shows because... I HAVE NOTHING TO SHOW! LOL I have one chin who will be ready at that time unless I start getting some growth spurts... but even with that, most of what I have is just weaned...
Awwwww...I guess it's that or cute little ones. Hehehe, I can be a nibbler if taunted...okay if I get peeved off I can bite pretty hard....JK. :laughitup:
Nicole, I swear, are you EVER going to come to Colorado again??? I met you at the first show I ever attended and got The Snuggler (who, by the way, has grown into quite the handsome chinnie) from you and I haven't seen you since!!!

Your girls must be teenagers by now...

You'll have to come to the National Meeting in November -- you won't need anything to show, just come and have a GREAT time!!! :thumbsup: