Bedding or Fleece?

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Feb 17, 2014
Fort Collins, CO
I use bedding for my hedgie Hazel, but with the upcoming addition of Herschel, I'm considering trying a fleece liner for each. Bedding is just so messy! Help please!
Fleece. For so many reasons: fleece.

Fleece is less messy - it doesn't get tracked around your house, stuck to hedgie, moved into the food or water dishes, etc...

Fleece allows you to pick up on health conditions more quickly as you'll see the color, consistency, and amount of poop/pee instead of it being hidden in the particulate bedding.

Fleece isn't dusty (better for hedgie lungs), doesn't harbor mites (you're not going to bring home a package of fleece in which mites are living -- like you can with shavings), can be cleaned regularly, etc...
I use fleece also. It's pretty easy to vaccum (shop vac) the dried poos off the fleece daily and I wash them once a week.
But doesn't fleece not allow for hedgehogs to burrow as they would do naturally? Tickles seems to really like to burrow in his bedding. Though it is quite messy. Do hedgehogs really like the fleece just as much? Fleece sounds SO much easier! Keep me posted!
I'm not a Hedgie owner, but I am a fleece lover! It makes life so much easier. :)
Maybe leave a loose sheet of fleece so he can burrow in/under it?
We are going to be doing fleece liners for our chins, in large part because I've heard so many good things/benefits about using it on this forum!

I even decided to try fleece liners for my hamster. I sewed a few together. He seems to like it just fine, but since he does like to burrow in his sleep house I'm kind of torn on whether to use the fleece or just stick with shavings. I tried some "hamster fluff" stuff for him to burrow into, which he liked.... but idk. Might go back and forth for him.
im a current chin owner, but had a hedgie in the past. i remember hearing about hedgie owners who did fleece liners making a little burrow bow in a spot of the cage for them. where you get a dish and fill only that dish with shavings (still easier to clean than a whole cage of shavings) or cut up some scrap fleece pieces for them to burrow in.... i think they would like it either way?