Beautiful chin at Petsmart...

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the dreamer
Feb 25, 2010
South Central PA
I didn't get her because I don't have the money or the resources, but she (they say it's a she, but we all know how smart Petsmart is) is just so beautiful, I couldn't help but snap a picture. What a darling.

She was eating her bedding though, I hope she doesn't get sick or anything.


How old would you say she is?
no way to tell on age without really know Pash, but "she" does look young. As she's not a standard I hope someone comes and gives her a home soon!
She looks like she's maybe three months or so to me, but she could be younger or older. Her coat looks like she hasn't lost any of her baby fuzz's very soft and she definitely isn't too old. She has some pretty markings, too bad she's at Petsmart. I hope someone doesn't buy her to breeder her because they think she's "rare".
Aww I love her markings! Good thing I wasn't there, I'd be tempted!

She does look still pretty young. I agree with the around 2-3 months, as mine were about that size during that age.

You could always ask to hold her and check her sex for them!