Bear the bunny-chin!

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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
Bear has been the most skiddish since I brought the new babies home, but I convinced him to let me give him scritches last night and he has been my best friend since! He stands all the way up on his back legs just so I can give him scritches, and he looks just like a little bunny when he does it. Looksie!

Oh? Scritchie time?

Here, let me move my paw over so you can get right in the good spot..

Is that it?

Ok well I will just eat some hay then.
Thank you! His fur is just gorgeous. Alli- that comforter is his favorite thing right now! He's all pancaked in it..I told you all my chins just melt in those things!
Oooh...I may want a fleece comforter instead, Alli! :p

He is SO cute, Stackie...LOVE his pose! He's such a gorgeous chinnie....Would love to touch his soft fur.
Picture #3 looks like he has high, defined cheekbones! He could be on Chin-Glamour magazine! Very cute chin- what they won't do for a good scritch!
Thank you! His fur is just gorgeous. Alli- that comforter is his favorite thing right now! He's all pancaked in it..I told you all my chins just melt in those things!

Haha glad they like them! Chibi has always liked hers too!

He's just too cute :heart3: