beaphar plus question

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Does anyone here who uses the beaphar care plus notice a difference in their recent purchase. My original bag was received in October of last year and the one I ordered in NOvember just arrived last week. I opened it the other night and gave to the two boys who eat it (one exclusively, the other to boost his food intake) and neither will touch it. I must also note that some of the pieces look larger. Anyone else experience this??

They have great customer support, so I am going to send off an email but I wanted to see if anyone else experienced this so I can notate that as well.

I got my second one in October and it was the same as the last one. Claire should know the skinny on it if the formula changes, PM her if she does not reply here.
I've not noticed any difference in the product except a slight variation in colour. My chins are all chomping happily.
I ordered 2 bags from 2 different stores and received 1 in September and the other in October. I just opened the one that I received in October and it's exactly the same as the one from my first shipment.
hmmm............Claire......when was the last bag you received? i find it extremely odd that normally they devour them and now neither one will touch them. the one i received in october was the first one. then i ordered the 2nd in early november and it took 8 weeks to get to me, so i just received it.
im gonna send a quick message and see what they say. thanks. guinea pig got one of the pieces and she ate it like i dont feed her a huge salad every night! do you guys think there is anything in these that i couldnt give her one piece at night wheni give my boys their treat?? she is on a very good healthy diet, oxbow pellets, fresh veggies nightly with a small amount of fruit, and a ridiculous amount of oxbow hay. she is a healthy weight and gets NO treats at all.
where do you purchase them from?? i noticed that all the pellets are much larger in shape. every one, its so strange.

normally whatever Richie doesnt eat, i put in a separate bowl and give all my chins 1 or 2 pieces and my piggie gets 1. that way i dont really waste it because it is so expensive. but with this new batch the two "kings" wont touch it. so strange.

eta: not all my chins like them. only about half. but the piggie, she tries to bite my darn finger. she has actually taken to shaking the cage bars when i come near her with the treat. it is seriously bizarre. she had never done that before.
I only have one that doesn't like Beaphar. The rest of them gobble them down.

I did notice a change in the smell from the first batch I got and the subsquent bags. But the chins didn't mind the more fragrant change. That change was well over a year ago.
thanks for the links. i ordered twice from pets with hart. i guess its a small pet store. very nice & helpful. i sent them an email asking if they knew if the formulation had changed and if they didnt know would they mind contacting the company since i am in the USA and have no clue how to contact an overseas company. will let you guys know if i hear anything.