Still waiting with "baited" breath for my whales to litter!
They made it through the flooded basement and cleanup phase ok. I was a nervous wreck thinking that all of the activity would stress them out and they would miscarry. I have sensible girls though and they got through it like champs.
I find myself checking on them constantly - it like watching a pot boil! I will update as soon as one of them litters.
Sorry to hear about the basement flood, but glad the girls were sensible about it. You should have gone to the OK chin show! As soon as I leave for a show SOMEBODY decides to litter!
Well I just drove 4hrs (up and back) to pick up chin supplies from Shoots and no one littered while I was gone (Wendy - you and I think alike, I figured if I left for the day someone would litter) - maybe if I had driven to OK and back!
Gertie is finally in the process of littering, so far I have had the priviledge of watching her give birth to one ebony kit. Everything is going smoothly so far without complications. I will update with pictures later. I do not want to disturb her too soon as she is a first time momma. Keep your fingers crossed for her.
Gertie gave birth to her first baby around 9 am this morning and I was lucky enough to be able to see all 3 babies born. I went down and checked on her hourly and she gave birth to each one about an hour apart. Currently they are all tucked up underneath her drying off and attempting to nurse. Gertie seems content and comfortable. Ash appears to be very proud of himself - as if he did any work!
I have tried to disturb the new family as little as possible but the breakdown appears as follows:
A24: Dark Ebony Male, 35 gms
A25: Light-Medium Ebony Male, 41 gms
A26: Standard EC Female, 40 gms
Keeping fingers crossed that I will not have to step in and handfeed this set of triplets. Pictures later.
I posted a picture about 2 hours ago...I don't know why they aren't showing up???
Have a couple more that are preggers but only one that looks like a beached whale still...will have to wait until at least the first week in January for her. She is even bigger than Gertie at this point. Her name is Becky and she is the huge White Whale at the beginning of this thread. The saga continues...