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Feb 4, 2009
Does anyone know if Baytril for dogs is the same stuff that they use for chins? I cant get in to see my regular vet until Friday afternoon. The emergency vet I took my chin to today had very little experience with chinchillas, but he was the only one around to go to.

He prescribed Baytril (antibacterial Injectable Solution 2.27%) to be given at 0.2 ml orally twice a day. He said he has prescribed it to guinea pigs successfully at 0.1 ml twice a day.

Just wondering if anyone knows if this is ok?
The only thing is that you may want to take the dosage down just a bit. How much does your chinchilla weigh? I'd go with 0.15 ml. The extra isn't going to hurt and if he's a larger chin, that's fine. Does your chin have an upper respiratory infection or is this for just a general infection?
What is it for? Did the chin's abscess burst (guessing from your other thread)? If the e-vet wasn't knowledgeable about chins then I would hesitate to give Baytril, it can be very hard on a chin's system and if the wetness was from his teeth issues then he doesn't need it at all as that is not an infection.
Everything ended up fine. I didnt use the dog baytril from the e-vet, I ended up having enough of the baytril that had been prescribed to Mr.Chin before to carry him through to today, when I saw his vet and got enough to finish the 7 day treatment.

The e-vet recommended putting him on the baytril since he didnt know what was wrong with him. (respritory infection, tooth infection, abcess, etc...)

Mr.Chin had been on baytril before and has never had a bad reaction to it, so I figured it was safe to put him back on it until he saw his regular vet, in case there was an infection.

His regular vet is continuing the baytril until the seven days is up, since she said it may have been an infection, or a combo of his malo and an infection. His symptoms have cleared up quite a bit since Tuesday.

Thanks again. I wouldnt normally want to use something that wasnt specificly designed for chins, and specificly prescribed to my chin, but I was in an emergency situation. (though I ended up not having to use it anyway)