Bath time!

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Jul 11, 2010
I'm wondering the best techniques for bathing a hedgehog.
i've heard you can put a little olive oil in the bath, and use aveeno oatmeal or babyshampoo, i know to make the water room temp, and to keep it shallow, other than that is there anything i should be aware of?
i also heard you can get them a toothbrush to brush the soap over them with.
also, i think my little hog has a little bit of dry skin, not much, it doesnt worry me but should i start with olive oil in the bath to help it?
Make sure whatever you use as a bath tub for him has a non-slip surface. Most hedgies panic enough just being in water but slipping around makes them even more scared.

An Aveeno bath is great. You can pour the water over his back with a glass. A soft toothbrush can be used but unless he is really dirty, probably isn't necessary. Rinse him and with the final rinse you can add a tiny bit of olive oil. Personally, I like flax seed oil best. You buy it in capsules and either put it in the bath, or apply a few drops directly on his skin.

Water a slight bit warmer than room temperature is best. Room temp can feel cool to them. Check the water with your elbow or inside of your wrist to make sure it isn't too warm.

Good luck