Bath time trouble- water in ears

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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Chicagoland area
I was giving Quinn a bath and I was rinsing him off, trying to get his shoulder area and he turned his head quick and I think some water got in his ears. What should I do, what could happen to him, what do I need to look for?
Aw... poor baby. Keep him warm and dry -- at least the rest of him... there's not too much you can do to dry out the ear if water got in there. You'd do more harm than good in any attempt.

And I'd just keep a close eye on him over the next few days. Look for anything that signals problems with an ear infection - or any other related "hedgie is sick" type of issue. You, know, the usual... not eating as much as usual. Not pooping as much as usual (or change in the consistency). Change in wheeling.

Specific things to look for regarding ear issues -- scratching at the ear. Redness/tenderness around the backside of the ear that suggests he's been scratching or rubbing it when you're not around. Tilting his head to the side. Circling while walking. Tilting his body. Unsteady gait. <-- that's pretty much in order of increasing badness.

Hopefully, the water didn't actually get in his ear. Or if it got there, it rolled back out without any harm done. That's what I'll be hoping for!!! Hugs to you and Quinn.
I wouldn't add to the situation... Just hope that it didn't really, really happen and then pursue a course of watchful waiting.
Yippie! Those hedgies can be wiley. Glad it looks like Quinn will be a-okay. Bet he has you completely rethinking rinsing procedures!