Bath Time Problem

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Southern Kentucky *miles from normal*
arg...I honestly don't know what to do anymore.

I can't get Luna to take a bath. For about 3 weeks now I've had to bath her myself. *rubbing dust on her*

She acts like she wants to take a bath but then she doesn't take one. When the twins go back to the cage and they track dust around...she spins where they were at but she won't take a bath for nothing.

Grr...How do I get her to take a bath on her own?
Yeah. but theres really not even dust there. It's just where the twins took a bath and they stood there. or something.

and she lets me rub dust on her. But all of a sudden she won't take a bath on her own. She's had the same bath house since August.
Do you use the same dust for the other chins? Perhaps she doesn't like their scent in it. Or maybe she doesn't like an audience LOL...
When I had Vexley, before I adopted him out, he would NEVER take a bath. I would set in in there while everyone else took baths and you can tell he was excited, but wouldn't ever get in there and take one. I tried different containers, different dust.. pretty much everything. I decided to just leave it in there for a full night and sure enough he had taken one when I looked in the morning. Turns out he just didn't like having anyone around him while he took his baths!

I know you're not supposed to technically.. but try leaving it in over night and see what happens. Maybe even just leaving the room will help?
Do you use the same dust for the other chins? Perhaps she doesn't like their scent in it. Or maybe she doesn't like an audience LOL...

That what I thought when she first started it not taking a bath. So I cleaned the dust bath, new dust (of course) and offered it to her first. Still nothing.

Searchand_Dstry --> I was trying that (via some of help i got) and it worked. She took a bath but it wasn't in there overnight.

I put the dust bath in her cage. I was giving them all fresh hay last night and she jumped in and right back out. I walked out of the room and came back and she was getting out. But she did take a bath.