Basic Cage Cleaning Question

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Besotted Chinchilla Lover
Jan 20, 2010
Long Island, NY USA
I understand how to clean the cage bars and swap out the hammocks and change the tube covers etc. I also remove the shavings and spray the tray and wipe it out to clean it once per week etc.

I am confused about how to clean all the wooden shelves. Am I understanding that I spray them with a 50/50 vinegar and water solution? Do I just spray and wipe with a cloth? Do I let the solution soak the wood? I'm assuming I have to let everything dry before I put it back? If drying time is involved that would mean I would want many more shelves so I could swap them out with dry ones?

I just don't get it exactly...

Thank you, Faye
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I use a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to clean all the wood shelves here. I buy the big container and fill up the smaller brown spray bottle, spray some on the stains, let it fizz up, give it a quick scrub with either a small brush or with the abrasive side of a sponge, wipe and give a spray rinse of water and wipe again. Works wonders for wood. Do keep in mind that my chin(s) are not in their cage when I'm spraying the hydrogen peroxide, they are running around the chin room or are in carriers.
Hi Carol Anne,

Could you explain why you use peroxide rather than vinegar/water.

Does it take long for the wood to dry. That is what I am confused about. How long does the chin have to be out of the cage?

It sounds like it would be simple but I am just such a newbie.

Thank you.
I use hydrogen peroxide instead of vinegar on wood stains b/c I find it does a better job. I like the way it fizzes up and literally draws out the stains. I start by sweeping all the wooden ledges really well, then spray the HP on the stains, let it sit and while it does its thing, I clean the litter section at the bottom, put in new shavings and by that time I start rubbing the stains with a little brush or abrasive pad, then squirt water on the stains and wipe with a cloth. I'd say it takes me a good fifteen or twenty minutes to clean a cage but my cages are quite large. The chins go back into their cage within twenty minutes and the wood is a little damp but it dries pretty quick.
Hydrogen peroxide is great if your chin is peeing on the wood (it removes the stains) but if you are just wanting to do a basic wipe down to keep them sanitized, the 50/50 vinegar and water solution is just fine to use.

I wipe down everything while the girls are out for playtime every night, that gives me 45 minutes for cleaning before they go back in.
Ok thank you both so much. I have a very clear picture of what to do. So far I don't have any stains on the wood. I will use the peroxide if I get them. I will use the 50/50 solution as routine cleaner.

Since I have your expert attention, one last question on this topic. I have cage spray that they say is safe. Is this true?

Thank you again, Faye
I have heard of people using 'cage spray' but I personally have not tried it but I'm sure others will know if it is safe to use or not.

I'm not a fan of vinegar and water b/c I just don't care for the smell and I do use hydrogen peroxide on other things too, such as the metal wheels, sides of the melamine and litter area. If you don't mind the smell of vinegar and you don't have pee pee stains on your shelves then use vinegar b/c it is less expensive than HP, although HP doesn't really cost much either and with just one chin it would last for ages.
Super Pet makes one called Cage Clean that is safe, but it doesn't work very well. Nil Odor makes a great one that works well, but it can be hard to find. That is what I used for years, until I started using the Melaleuca cleaners in my house instead.
I can't stand the smell of vinegar, or that is what I would be using. :)
Yeah, my bedroom totally smells like a pickle factory when I get done cleaning cages. Luckily I like pickles! :p
I LOVE the smell of vinegar... with chips!

Hydrogen peroxide is pretty much odourless which I like.
Thank you all! Tending toward Vinegar and H2O. We had a delicatessen in the family. lol love that pickle smell. Pickles and pine tree smell from shavings. Oh and fresh hay smell too.
