
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Feb 7, 2010
What causes them to bark or make other noises, What noises are good, and which are bad?
Only one of my two chinchillas has ever barked in the past couple of months that they have lived with us. Chef (the boy) barked once when he had spilled the food bowl in the night and then he barked every night after his whiskers were trimmed until I put a lamp on for him. I'm not sure that he could get around the cage as easily in the dark without his full whiskers and was bored. Anyway, whatever the reason was he hasn't barked since and I've kept the lamp on to avoid the 2am wake ups! He sounds little a little dog yapping when he does it and I'm guessing he wants something...:) I have heard him "yelp" a little when I tried grooming him - he hates it!
I have one chin that barks a lot. I think that's why her former home gave her up. I swear she barks just to hear herself.

For the rest of my fur kids some bark when they are woke up in the day and others bark in the middle of the night.

With 10 chins, it can be quite noisy in my chin room sometimes.

I've heard mine making strange noises at night. Only had them for a week though. Strane because i didnt even know they made sounds.:hmm:
my kiddos actually bark in their sleep sometimes - they don't even know they're doing it! two of them bark if they don't like what's on tv & keep at it until we change the channel. i love listening to them talk :) if you play that link while they're in the room, watch their faces, they'll react.