Barking all night long

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I have had my chins for some years now, and I know that at times they will go into a little barking fit during the night. Last night however, one of my chins spent the entire night barking. It also seemed to be louder than usual. I would get up and look at her, and she looked fine, but as soon as I turned the lights back off and got back into bed it would start again. I also tried giving her timothy hay, but she showed no interest at all. I made an appointment for the vet in an hour, but any suggestions on what could be causing this? I have her in a carrier right now, so I will check and make sure she is making pellets.
I wouldn't take her to the vet. Sometimes chins just bark for no reason, the wind blew a different direction, they heard a sound off in the distance.... It's hard telling, but it definitely doesn't warrant a vet visit.
I agree with Stacie, barking is no reason to take a chin to the vet.

I have chins that bark day in and out just to bark. As long as there is no other change and the chin is eating, drinking and pooing, I wouldn't take it to the vet.
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I guess its just because it was for so many hours, she even seemed to be getting hoarse by this morning. Do chins ever make noise like that when they are in pain or discomfort? I don't usually think twice when they make noise. I think the fact that she wasn't interested in the hay way more odd. She usually goes crazy for timothy hay.
Barking is normally for attention, or as a warning. Some chins bark in their sleep, it's really just a habit. Back when I had my chins in my bedroom, as soon as I'd cut the light off my chins would go to barking, all through the night, someone would bark and I honestly thought it was for attention. My chins would also bark if the dogs started barking outside my door. Chins in pain sometimes let out screeches and loud cries, much different from a bark. Though not all chins in pain make sounds, most cover it up.
I agree. I wouldnt take to a vet either. keep an eye on food intake, poop & pee. maybe just give a little extra attention?? usually when one of my boys does that i do the same thing and check on them and sometimes will open the cage and try to hold him for a second or two. but usually that starts a chinchilla uprising and they all want a little 3am love!!
Well I took her in because I am leaving on a trip tomorrow and wanted to make sure she would be okay. She was having some constipation issues and got some medications to help get things moving.
That is seriously the weirdest thing. Last night, one of my chins kept us up barking for two hours. I have no idea what spooked him, he has never done it at night before that i know of, not for so long anyway. I tried turning on the radio to calm him down, but that didn't really work. Finally, we flipped on the light for him and left it for like half an hour. That seemed to work, and when we turned it off, he didn't start up again.

Still not sure what he was barking at. I think maybe something outside the window scared him or something. :hmm:

just weird, because I just got home from work, and went to check on him to make sure he was doing allright.
Ande had a barking fit a few nights back. It was his first time hearing coyotes and he was not a happy camper, neither was I.
Unless the little guy is showing other weight loss. I wouldn't worry quite yet.
I did, however, have a chin with malo who alerted me with barking about it. So......just keep an eye on him.
Good luck!