bald spot under chin??

  • Thread starter foreverthesickestkid
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my chinchilla just recently got a redish pink bald spot under his chin. its not moist or anything and he is scratching a little bit. but just as much as he has been from when i first got him from my breeder. and he is acting normal and eating and drinking normal. what can this be?
Is he scratching the bald spot or just scratching behind his ears and in other normal ways? Does the spot have flaky skin? It's possible he could have a fungus but it's also possible he rubbed his chin on the bars or his feeder or a toy and the fur just fell out. It could even be a slip if he hit his chin on something or the fur got caught somewhere. It's really hard to tell without a picture and more background information...just saying what it looks like does not make it easy to help you. If you're extremely worried about it find a chin knowledgeable vet in your area and take him in.
If you just got him I would contact the breeder and see if he/she will take a look at it for you.
That is a really blurry picture, so I'm going to just take a stab and say it "might" be fungus. I see redness and the location would be about right.

I agree, I would contact the breeder and ask them to take a look at it. Most experienced breeders should be able to tell you if it's fungus or not.
it now has a brown spot in the middle of the neck.

Does the spot feel puffy? Like it might have fluid or pus in it? Because that picture makes it look like you might be dealing with an abscess. I'm futzing with one myself right now on a little tiny kit that got beat up. They are loaded with infection, again, IF that is what it is.

I think with that going on, I would head to the vet and get it checked. I had my vet lance the abscess to get the initial nastiness out, now I have to open it myself every day to keep it open and draining. If it is an abscess, it needs to heal from the inside out, so you have to keep it open. You would also need a course of antibiotics to clear up the infection.
I'll second that - a vet visit is in order for that. It could well be an abscess & if it is, it needs treating appropriately.
it was an absess. i was really worried and my breeder called the vet and checked him out for me and everything. she is wonderfuls it was 119 and she is paying for 100 of it!! she is too nice lol. but i have to feed him some medicine twice a day and put iodine? i think it is onto his wound. but he is very sleeppy right now. poor thing. =( i missed him.
That is very kind of the breeder to help pay. Glad that it will be taken care of. Best wishes for your chinnie!