When I began, [10 yrs. ago] I was using a Mizuri/Calfmanna mix, per a breeder in Bloomington, Il. I bought a few chins from, and it seemed to be alright.
After a couple of years, [and a natural increase in chins] the prices started going up every week at the local feed store, and he'd often run out, leaving me runnung around, or borrowing from another local breeder!
We just got online capability, and somehow got ahold of Amanda in Texas, who told me about PANR, but it was about 30 miles, one way! Since the price was less than 1/2 what I was paying for Mizuri, and the other breeder was willing to split the gas, I got 10 bags!
During the switch, I noticed the old combination was being "dumped" in favor of the PANR, and was a little concerned about their poop almost doubling in size, but the concern diminished when the whole herd put on a 25-30% weight gain, and just seemed more energetic!
Also tried Tradition, which was about the same price, but they didn't keep the weight on, so went back.
Have since started adding LifeLine as a supplement, and have a herd of happy chins!!