Babysitting "sick" chin - Help Please!

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I am babysitting my friends chinchilla for 5 days. He was just at the vet today though because his teeth were way overgrown, and his back teeth are rotting away because my stupid friend fed him raisins all the time, even though i begged him not to. Anyways, the vet said to feed him green beens, garden veggies, and syringe feed him baby food. Im pretty sure they're not supposed to have any of those. I do have a bag of apple banana critical care by oxbow that I was using to feed my poor guinea pig i adopted who had to have a leg amputated.
His chinchilla is also on SMZ TMP antibiotic 2x daily. My big question is, what should I be feeding him? Please help. Thanks.
oh, and can anyone direct me to a list of chinchilla safe and not safe foods so I can print it and give it to my friend so he stops feeding his chinchilla the wrong foods.
No fresh fruits or vegetables for this chin. This chin needs critical care from the vet since you have that, that's what you need to feed this chin. Did they file down the overgrown teeth?
yeah, the vet did. first he clipped them because they were so overgrown they were curling up into his mouth, then he filed them down more. poor chin.. so just the critical care? that is what i figured. i dont know why people, especially an exotics vet, always want to give chins veggies, fruits, etc.
Definitely CC. No fresh veggies or fruits! Is he eating and drinking on his own? Poor boy! You must ask your friend to join this forum and learn. What he is doing will kill the chin.
YOu would think a vet would realize chins are rodents and not lizards. Good luck with him. I hope everything works out.
thanks for the input. i fed him some CC, and he seemed a little more energetic, hopping around a little, but still lethargic. he's not really eating or drinking on his own, as least I haven't seen him. Although he did hop around a little. Might have munched on some hay too.
I told him about this site when he first got him about a year ago, but of course, he doesn't really seem to care. So I'm going to print out a big packet of info for him about proper care for his chinchilla for when he gets back.
Not only is he neglectful with food car, his cage has a wire mesh bottom!!! i nearly freaked when I saw it. I put down some fleece and fabric on the bottom when I got him to my house just so his little paws wouldn't have to suffer.