baby wipes to clean the wheel

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So I was wondering while cleaning my little Fabio’s wheel because even though he goes in a liter pan he always poops on his wheel, if baby wipes would be ok to use to clean the wheel or if it could be harmful to my little quills of joy. So my question is if I use baby wipes to clean my hedgehog’s wheel could it be harmful to his health or would it be ok to use? Also if it isn't ok to clean it with baby wipes what do you usually clean your hedgehog’s wheel with? I have been just using hot water on a paper towel. Thanks in advance for responding to this post.
There are people that use baby wipes to clean their hedgehog's feet. I don't see why it couldn't be used on a wheel. I'd look for a pretty basic version, one with no scent. Scented items can drive these little ones nuts.

However, if you are finding poop hard to remove from a wheel, use vinegar. Vinegar is an amazing cleaner, and disinfectant. Get yourself a spray bottle. Fill it half with white vinegar and half with water. You can also add in a few drops of dish soap, but it isn't usually needed. Wet the wheel, spray with the vinegar solution and let it set for a couple of minutes. Come back and feces typically will come off a lot easier.

You can also use this to clean the hedgehog's cage. You'll want to allow it to air out before putting the hedgehog back in. But vinegar is a food item and it won't hurt your hedgehog if they should lick it.
ok thanks! i may get have both on hand for cleaning. I was worried because he licks pretty much everything lol.
I just purchased some unscented wipes to clean Heidi's cage
Yea I am gonna do that, I just don't like the smell or the results of the 50/50.