My little one had turned 1 month on Saturday weighing 140g. Last night and this morning its been crying non stop. I weighed it and it weighs 135g so its actually losing weight. Its only 4 weeks old so I think I need to step in and had feed. Its trying to feed on mama but then moves away. I don't think she's producing milk or something. What exactly do I need to do? I have to go to work right now but I have syringes I just need to get? Non sweetened apple juice for moms water to help produce milk? Goats milk at the tractor store? Baby rice from grocery? Is what I remember right? Just command me on how to do it, quantity in syringe, and how often and I'll do it.
I'm worried bc its been whimpering like a puppy LOUD
Any advice will be helpful. Thanks.
I'm worried bc its been whimpering like a puppy LOUD